WARNING : Use carefully. If there is a problem with the GCODE produced by this software, your CNC router may crash.
The free license (hobbyist version) of Fusion 360 removes the rapid moves from the GCODE. A rapid move command is G00 or just G0. Both formats work the same. Fusion 360 replaces these with a G1 command, causing your CNC to only run at your programmed feedrate, instead of at the rapid rate. This can be a huge waste of time for large projects.
This code is very specific to a pattern generated by Fusion 360, as of August 27, 2022. If Fusion 360 changes this pattern, then the GCODE output by this software must not be used.
GCODE Line N: Z Retract# (Example: if 25.4 mm is your Fusion retract setup value, this GCODE line will be Z25.4)
GCODE Line N+1: Anything in this second line, usually X# Y# (Example: X6.953 Y6.564)
GCODE Line N+2: Z# (Example: Z14.515)
As this pattern is recognized, this software will add G00 in front of the Z Retract#, then will leave the next GCODE line alone, and then will add G01 to the next line (this is the 2nd line after the Retract# was detected)
You will need to install Python on your computer.
Create a folder of any name on your computer. Inside that folder, copy the Python program FAST.py
The Fusion 360 generated GCODE must be saved as "input.nc" at the same location where FAST.py is saved.
Open the program FAST.py and change the retractZ = 24.5 to the retraction height that you are using as part of your Fusion 360 setup for the particular cutting bit. For example, if your retraction height is 55.3 mm, change from retractZ = 24.5 to retractZ = 55.3
Save your changes to FAST.py
Once you run the FAST.py Python code, it will modify the GCODE which will be saved as the file named "output.nc" and available at the same location as "input.nc".
You can now rename "output.nc" and move it to another folder if you would like. It is highly recommended that you carefully test the GCODE output with a simulator.