Face Data preparation process to train a model for deep learning face recognition system
renamer.py - module to rename names of images in our dataset folder (format: Name_Surname_0001.png, Name_Surname_0002.png, etc.)
With any questions regarding usage, please send me a message to [email protected]
- Collect dataset => refine, delete non-people images
- Crop faces from images with multiple people in one folder => crop.py => python crop.py --data-dir /home/ti/path_to_uncropped_data --target-dir /home/ti/path_to_destination_directory
- Refine folder names and images => rename_folders_v2.py (e.g. python rename_folders_v2.py --data-dir /home/ti/Downloads/crop_and_find/faces501) (this module renames folder names of each person: it merges all the letters, removing special characters (.,-, etc) and splits the remaining string into two parts in the middle with underline '_' renamer_lfw.py (rename image names according to LFW dataset format)
- From each folder select one person's image as an anchor (you will be comparing each image in this folder with anchor image to leave only one person's images) => place these images in known_dir with and rename each one according to this person's folder name (if folder name was John_Hopkins, anchor name should be John_Hopkins.jpg)
- Select faces that correspond only to the anchored person => recognize_and_store.py --known_dir /path/to/dir/with/anchor/people --unknown-dir /path/to/dir/with/images/divided/into/folders --target-dir /path/to/dir/where/to/save/the/resulting/folders (this module looks at the image in the known folder and compares it with other images in this person's folder)
- Align faces with - align_dataset_mtcnn_v1.py (UPD: Changed places with next, some images may not be aligned, so it is good to align first and divide into sets after) - this is revised code from https://github.com/davidsandberg/facenet/blob/master/src/align/align_dataset_mtcnn.py so, in order for this to work properly you have to place it in original folder because it has some linked modules.
- Divide into Train (80), Valid (10), Test (10) - train_valid.py and train_test.py the remaining data will be your train set
- create .lst file with - insightface_pairs_gen.py => use write_lst function
- create .rec, .idx files using - face2rec2.py (UPD: This code is from https://github.com/deepinsight/insightface/tree/master/src/data directory and has link to other modules in it)
- create pairs.txt file using gen_pairs_lfw.py => if you don't have loop in generate() function you have to write it with range(10), because you have to create 10-folds cross validation .bin (UPD: for this you have to use your validation(verification) set)
- create .bin file using dataset2bin.py => usage: python dataset2bin.py --data-dir /your/dataset/directory --image-size 112,112 --output /output/directory/to/dave/bin (UPD: here you also pass a route to your validation(verification) set) -- dataset2bin.py uses some modules from https://github.com/deepinsight/insightface/tree/master/src/eval
EXAMPLE FOLDERS: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i10tma4zqygdxdm/data.zip?dl=0
EXTRA1 (This process can save you some time): Before cropping faces from collective images:
- take known image
- parse folder with images of this person
- take one image
- run dlib's get_frontal_face_detector on it
- compare each face on this image with known image using face_recognition library
- save the most similar one
- repeat this process until you finish with all of the images from this person's folder
- check each folder by hand
NOTE: There are a lot of tools like Amazon Turk, Toloka, etc. that can help you with annotations (of course it will cost some money :) ).