Developing. The profile picture may not be an accurate representation of current status.
- Ottawa
Adam Simonini
Full stack developer working out of Toronto. Host of freeCodeCamp North York. Perpetual learner. Former professor. Avid hackathoner.
M.A. Ryerson.
B.A. UofT.
@PHAC Toronto
Kevin Cherryholme
App & Web Developer at ESDC. On my personal time, I love to design and build mobile apps for Android and IOS.
Alexandre Enkerli
Bilingual (French/English) technopedagogue, ethnographer, homeroaster, anthropologist, musicker, coffee enthusiast, Maker/dabbler.
Montreal, Qc
Jodi LeBlanc
GCTools Ambassador, Mentor for Canada Learning Code YYG
Government of Canada Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
Mark Wooff
Canadian web developer, sports fanatic & world traveller from the nation's capital. #modernizetheweb
Modern Webfare Ottawa, Canada