Mailing List Stats (mlstats
) is a tool to parse and analyze mail boxes.
It is useful to retrieve and analyze mailing list archives. The parsed
mail boxes are stored in a database.
is able to retrieve mailing lists from the web,
and store the data of every email in a database, from where to obtain
different kind of reports.
Licensed under GNU General Public License (GPL), version 2 or later.
Latest version:
$ git clone git://
needs the following dependencies (either MySQL or PostgreSQL):
- MySQL:
- python-mysqldb
- mysql-server
- PostgreSQL:
- psycopg2
- postgresql-server (it has been tested with 8.4 and 9.1)
You can install MLStats running script:
# python install
If you don't have root privileges, use the --prefix
option to indicate
the directory where mlstats
will be installed. For more details, take a
look at the help of the installer:
$ python install --help
You are ready to use mlstats
More options, and a more detailed info about the options, can be
learnt by running mlstats --help
The backend postgres requires the database already exists. The creation
of tables must be done manually. There is a SQL script with the schema
in db/data_model_pg.sql
that can be used for this purpose.
[To be written]
Source code, wiki and submission of bug reports are accessible in GitHub.
If you want to receive updates about new versions, and keep in touch with the development team, consider subscribing to the MetricsGrimoire mailing list. It is a very low traffic list, usually with less than one message per day.
When making contributions, please follow the [PEP8 specification][8]. To check your code follows the specification, use a tool like pep8 or flake8.
When adding new features, add tests for the new feature or fix, and check
that the existing tests pass. Tests live in pymlstats/tests
and you can
run them with:
$ python -m unittest discover
Please, also consider to add tests for the current features available.
has been originally developed by the GSyC/LibreSoft group at
the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Mostoles, near Madrid (Spain). It is
part of a wider research on libre software engineering, aimed to gain
knowledge on how libre software is developed and maintained.
- Israel Herraiz
- Jorge Gascon Perez