Send Sir Perceval on a quest to retrieve and gather data from software repositories.
usage: perceval [-c <file>] [-g] <backend> [<args>] | --help | --version
Repositories are reached using specific backends. The most common backends
askbot Fetch questions and answers from Askbot site
bugzilla Fetch bugs from a Bugzilla server
bugzillarest Fetch bugs from a Bugzilla server (>=5.0) using its REST API
confluence Fetch contents from a Confluence server
discourse Fetch posts from Discourse site
dockerhub Fetch repository data from Docker Hub site
gerrit Fetch reviews from a Gerrit server
git Fetch commits from Git
github Fetch issues from GitHub
gitlab Fetch issues from GitLab
hyperkitty Fetch messages from a HyperKitty archiver
jenkins Fetch builds from a Jenkins server
jira Fetch issues from JIRA issue tracker
launchpad Fetch issues from Launchpad issue tracker
mbox Fetch messages from MBox files
mediawiki Fetch pages and revisions from a MediaWiki site
meetup Fetch events from a Meetup group
nntp Fetch articles from a NNTP news group
phabricator Fetch tasks from a Phabricator site
pipermail Fetch messages from a Pipermail archiver
redmine Fetch issues from a Redmine server
rss Fetch entries from a RSS feed server
slack Fetch messages from a Slack channel
stackexchange Fetch questions from StackExchange sites
supybot Fetch messages from Supybot log files
telegram Fetch messages from the Telegram server
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show version
-c FILE, --config FILE
set configuration file
-g, --debug set debug mode on
Run 'perceval <backend> --help' to get information about a specific backend.
- Python >= 3.4
- python3-dateutil >= 2.6
- python3-requests >= 2.7
- python3-bs4 (beautifulsoup4) >= 4.3
- python3-feedparser >= 5.1.3
- python3-dulwich >= 0.18.5
- grimoirelab-toolkit >= 0.1.4
There are several ways for installing Perceval on your system: from packages, from a docker image or from the source code.
Perceval can be installed using pip, a tool for installing Python packages. To do it, run the next command:
$ pip3 install perceval
A Perceval Docker image is available at DockerHub.
Detailed information on how to run and/or build this image can be found here.
To install from the source code you will need to clone the repository first:
$ git clone
In this case, setuptools package will be required. Make sure it is installed before running the next commands:
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 install
Documentation is generated automagically in the ReadTheDocs Perceval site.
$ perceval askbot '' --from-date '2016-01-01'
To fetch bugs from Bugzilla, you have two options:
a) Use the traditional backend
$ perceval bugzilla '' --backend-user user --backend-password pass --from-date '2016-01-01'
b) Use the REST API backend for Buzilla 5.0 (or higher) servers. We strongly recommend this backend when data is fetched from version servers >=5.0 because the retrieval process is much faster.
$ perceval bugzillarest '' --backend-user user --backend-password pass --from-date '2016-01-01'
$ perceval confluence '' --from-date '2016-01-01'
$ perceval discourse '' --from-date '2016-01-01'
$ perceval dockerhub grimoirelab perceval
To run gerrit, you will need an authorized SSH private key:
$ eval `ssh-agent -s`
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Identity added: /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa (/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa)
To run the backend, execute the next command:
$ perceval gerrit --user user '' --from-date '2016-01-01'
To run this backend execute the next command. Take into account that to run this backend Git program has to be installed on your system.
$ perceval git '' --from-date '2016-01-01'
Git backend can also work with a Git log file as input. We recommend to use the next command to get the most complete log file.
git log --raw --numstat --pretty=fuller --decorate=full --parents --reverse --topo-order -M -C -c --remotes=origin --all > /tmp/gitlog.log
Then, to run the backend, just execute any of the next commands:
$ perceval git --git-log '/tmp/gitlog.log' 'file:///myrepo.git'
$ perceval git '/tmp/gitlog.log'
$ perceval github elastic logstash --from-date '2016-01-01'
$ perceval gitlab elastic logstash --from-date '2016-01-01'
$ perceval hyperkitty '[email protected]' --from-date 2017-01-01
$ perceval jenkins ''
$ perceval jira '' --project PUP --from-date '2016-01-01'
$ perceval launchpad ubuntu --from-date '2016-01-01'
$ perceval mbox '' /tmp/mboxes/
$ perceval mediawiki '' --from-date '2016-06-30'
$ perceval meetup 'Software-Development-Analytics' --from-date '2016-06-01' -t abcdefghijk
$ perceval nntp '' '' --offset 10
$ perceval phabricator '' -t 123456789abcefe
$ perceval pipermail ''
Pipermail also is able to fetch data from Apache's mod_box
$ perceval pipermail ''
$ perceval redmine '' --from-date '2016-01-01' -t abcdefghijk
$ perceval rss ''
$ perceval slack C0001 --from-date 2016-01-12 -t abcedefghijk
$ perceval stackexchange --site stackoverflow --tagged python --from-date '2016-01-01' --token abcdabcdabcdabcd
$ perceval supybot '' /tmp/supybot/
Telegram backend needs an API token to authenticate the bot. In addition and in order to fetch messages from a group or channel, privacy settings must be disabled. To know how to create a bot, to obtain its token and to configure it please read the Telegram Bots docs pages.
$ perceval telegram mybot -t 12345678abcdefgh --chats 1 2 -10
Perceval comes with a comprehensive list of unit tests.
To run them, in addition to the dependencies installed with Perceval,
you need version 0.8.6 of httpretty
Currently, latest version in pypi is 0.8.14,
which seems to have a bug exposed by some Perceval tests.
So, ensure you install 0.8.6, which is known to work with them:
$ pip install httpretty==0.8.6
$ cd tests
$ python3
Licensed under GNU General Public License (GPL), version 3 or later.