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I am happy to be contributing to open source medical software, and doing good in the world. This project aims to organize my technical medical projects.
02.0 - Explore my health software
My health software is licensed under the GNU General Public License V3. There are some additional terms that need to be addressed:
This software cannot be modified to be used in proprietary works - This software cannot be bundled with closed source/proprietary software, even if the closed source software has some open source components. This doesn't mean that the software can't be run on proprietary systems, such as Window 10 or MacOS. My medical works also cannot be sold for a profit (unless it is hardware) if you are selling my medical software for even a fraction of a penny, you are violating the license agreement and are scamming people.
This software comes without a warranty - As much as I want to help people with their health, I can't guarantee that it will be 100% effective (although I aim for at least 95% effectiveness) Defective software situations should be reported. For safety, make sure to run a stable release that you trust. Don't always jump to the latest version, wait a bit first for testing to be done, so that it is safe for your patients.
The use of the Switzerland flag was done to avoid being sued by the Red Cross/Red Crescent movement, as they are aggressive when it comes towards use of their logo. Since their logo is just an inverted version of the flag of Switzerland, I used a detail image of the Swiss flag.
Here is a categorized list, so you can explore my medical/health software on GitHub.
Self-care-bot - An automated tool that reminds you of various self-care tasks, and helps you do them/motivates you to do them.
Health Meter Maximum - An advanced digital meter tool that displays info on every aspect of your current health.
DentalBar WhiteTooth Pro - A client for smart toothbrushes, with reminders and motivation to brush your teeth every day, set medical appointments, and highlight the importance of good oral health.
SNU 2D Sex Education - A module for the SNU Website framework that aims to teach about sex education with 100% effectiveness.
SNU Ancestry - A module for the SNU Website framework that gathers and displays ancestry data.
SNU 2D Health - A module for the SNU Website framework that discusses and promotes all things health
GitHub health project article - The article you are currently reading that guides you to my health related projects.
Hospital defender - A tool for better hospital network security. Also used to lobby for a big punishment (similar to a war crime) for attempting to destroy a hospitals network infastructure. This should be a crime with such a big punishment that hospital cyber attacks would go down by over 80% it also needs to be enforced worldwide.
The GitHub organization for this project was shortened due to a character limit. Here is the full text.
My organization for health projects. I am committed to promoting open source, functional, and life saving medical software.
The part that was cut off:
Legal notice: due to Red Cross logo restrictions, I used the Swiss (🇨🇭 Switzerland) flag instead. The Red Cross/Red Crescent movement is known to be abusive when it come to their logo (which is just an inverted version of the flag of 🇨🇭 Switzerland, or 🇹🇷 Turkey. Other than that, the Red Cross/crescent movement is good) Also: my health software is designed to help, but it isn't 100% accurate and isn't a 100% guarantee in saving a life.
File type: Markdown (*.md)
File version: 1 (Saturday, February 27th 2021 at 4:02 pm)
Line count (including blank lines and compiler line): 167
All of my works are free from restrictions. DRM (Digital Restrictions Management) is not present in any of my works. This project does not contain any DRM
This sticker is supported by the Free Software Foundation. I never intend to include DRM in my works.
Version 1 (Saturday, February 27th 2021 at 4:02 pm)
- Started the file/article
- Added the title section
- Referenced 2 images
- Added a section about Legal info
- Added a section about a listing of my health/medical softeware
- Added the file info section
- Referenced the DRM Free icon
- Added the file history section
- Added the index
- Added the footer
- No other changes in version 1
Version 2 (Coming soon)
- Coming soon
- No other changes in version 2
You have reached the end of this file!