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2232a45 · Apr 6, 2017
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Mar 24, 2017
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Mar 24, 2017
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Apr 18, 2014
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Mar 28, 2017
Mar 26, 2017
Apr 6, 2017

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GRS is a program for creating a game report for the Internet Baseball
League.  GRS was written by Sean Sweda ([email protected]), with assistance
from Greg Speegle, Richard Dunlap, and Christian Beliveau.  The source
code is available at github <> or via
anonymous ftp <>

** please submit bug reports to [email protected] **


1) unpack the source ( tar -xzf grs.tgz )

2) edit Makefile to your taste

3) "make"


Usage: grs [ (-a afile) (-h hfile) | (-f cmdfile) ] outfile

-a	Used to read in the away team's lineup from an external file.
	ex: grs -a yesterdays_game.cmd todays_game

-h	Used to read in the home team's lineup from an external file.
	ex: grs -h my_lineup_vsRH game6

-f	Used to read in commands from an external file.  NOTE:	This
	includes the lineups, thus -f is incompatible with -a and/or -h.
	ex: grs -f unfinished_game 1-1

-v	Using this flag will cause grs to output the version number.
	(v2.3.0 and later)

-o	Used to overwrite existing output files.
	(v3.1 and later)

If you use the -f flag to read in a file, make sure that the last
event is NOT 'eg'.

The last operand is always the output file prefix.  GRS will create
the following files:

<outfile>.sts	- the stats
<outfile>.pbp	- the play-by-play
<outfile>.cmd	- the commands you typed in
<outfile>.un#	- a file GRS uses temporarily to process the undo command
		  there may be several of these files after you are done

The accompanying shell script, grscat (instructions at the end) will
concatenate these files into one large file, if you so desire.


GRS is not smart enough to figure out earned runs, you'll have to do that
yourself when prompted.  There are some esoteric events which GRS does not
handle gracefully, if you come across one please inform the author.


GRS uses space dilimited text.	Thus, when prompted for player name,
real team, and position, you should separate these by spaces.
Example:  Trammell DET ss

When GRS is started, you will be prompted for a three letter team
abbreviation for each team.  This code will be converted to upper case.

This program was created with the designated hitter in mind.  If the
pitcher bats in your league, you must enter him in the original lineup
twice, once as a batter and once as a pitcher.

As noted above, lineups may be read in from an external file.  If you
want to do this, make sure the lienups are in the same format as they
appear in the .cmd file.


GRS accepts commands in the following syntax: (space delimited)

event location baserunning

event		- a 2 letter event code, all of which are listed below
location	- many uses, eg. location of a hit (gcf), or fielding
		  on the play (6-3);  also can be used to indicate a
		  special kind of play like a H&R or IFR, eg. 6-3(IFR)
		  or IFR(6) or lcf(H&R), etc.
baserunning	- in groups of 2, indicating where the player started,
		  and where he ended up, eg. 12 means runner on 1st
		  went to second.  Use the letter 'b' for the batter,
		  'o' for out, and 'h' for home.  There are default
		  advances programmed in, so you can skip the
		  baserunning field if nobody advanced an extra base.

The location is optional for all events.  Some events require baserunning
information.  When entering errors, only list the player who made the
error in the location field. (e.g. er 3/rg6 b1 instead of er 6-3 b1 for a
dropped throw by the firstbaseman)

This is a list of the events that the GRS program accepts:

ph - pinch hit

	Use the same form as lineup entry.  List the position the
	pinch-hitter will play next inning, or just "ph" if he
	is only pinch-hitting.

pr - pinch run

	Use the same form as lineup entry.  List the position the
	pinch-runner will play next inning, or just "pr" if he
	is only pinch-running.

np - new pitcher

	Use the same form as lineup entry.  Also, if you are playing
	with the pitcher batting, you can specify the position in the
	batting order where the pitcher will hit, and GRS will
	automatically insert him into the batting order.
	ex: Harvey FLA R 9	(this would put Harvey in the 9 hole)

dr - defensive replacement
dc - defensive position change

	Use the same form as lineup entry.  The only difference
	between these two commands is that "dc" moves a player from
	one position to another and "dr" replaces a player.

la - list the away team's lineup
lh - list the home team's lineup

un - undo

	Undo will allow you to undo any event, including a lineup
	change or the end of an inning.  You can even undo several
	events at once.  Make sure that there is never an undo
	command in a command file that you are reading in via the
	-f flag, as the undo command is never recorded in the .cmd
	file normally, and this will only serve to confuse GRS.

en - end of inning
eg - end of game

cm - comment
nj - enters in a "<runner> unable to get jump" comment, specify base of runner
fa - enters in a "<pitcher> fatigues" comment
in - enters in an "infield in" comment, can supply positions
ic - enters in an "infield in @ 1b/3b" comment

so - strikeout
kd - strikeout, dropped third strike
kc - strikeout, caught stealing
ks - strikeout, stolen base
bb - walk
iw - intentional walk
ci - catcher's interference
hb, hp - hit by pitch
wp - wild pitch
pb - passed ball
bk - balk
sb - stolen base
cs - caught stealing
pk - picked off
th - advance on a throw
oa - out advancing on a throw
ri - baserunner out due to interference
di - defensive indifference

1b - single
2b - double
3b - triple
hr - home run
tp - triple play
dp, gd - ground into double play
fd - fly into double play
ld - line into double play
lo - line out
fc - fielder's choice, batter reaches first
hg - hard ground out
rg - routine ground out
sg - slow ground out
hf - high fly
po - pop out
fp, pf - foul pop out
sf - sacrifice fly
sh - sacrifice hit
lf - long fly
wt, df - warning track fly (from deep fly chart)
er - batter reaches on error
ea - runner advances on error

generic codes:

fo - fly out
go - ground out


Undo is the most precarious part of our program, i.e. the most likely
way to crash GRS.  The current status is:

Undo seems to be 100% functional.

NEVER, EVER, use the -f flag with an undo command imbedded in the
input file!  the undo event is never recorded in a .cmd file, and GRS
is not expecting it!  there will be grave (although quite comical)
consequences if you ignore this.

The moral of the story is, use undo at your own risk.  What is listed
above is the "observed" pattern of activity of undo.  It *may* crash,
possibly destroying your game report.  If you don't want to try undo,
just end the game, then use copy-paste to re-input your commands
(copy from the .cmd file).  Or even easier still, use the -f flag.


grscat is a shell script I wrote to concatenate the files that GRS
creates.  I name my files according to week number and game number

e.g. grs 8-1		- for week 8, game 1

grscat takes a single argument, the week number

e.g  grscat 8		- will cat all week 8 games into a file named "8"

also, if you put mail header info into a file called .grscat in the
same directory as the files you are grscat-ing, it will put it at
the top of the file

e.g. my .grscat is
