SBFT is a fairness testing tool for regression-based AI software. It estimates the fairness degree (D) of the system under test. Fariness degree is defined as follows.
Given an AI software system, the fairness degree is measured by the maximum difference in the predicted values by the AI software for all pairs of instances (xi,xj) that are identical apart from the sensitive attribute, i.e., xis ≠ xjs.
D = max∀i, j|yi−yj|; xis ≠ xjs & xik = xjk; ∀k ≠ s
where yi and yj are the outputs for inputs xi and xi.
All the parameters are defined in configs.yml
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
time_budget | Execution time (seconds) | 7200 |
proportion_test_insertion | Rate of random test insertion in every iteration | 0.1 |
p_crossover | Crossover probability | 0.75 |
p_mutation | Mutation probability | 0.8 |
population_size | Population size | 100 |
p_cache | Probability of using cache in fitness evaluation | 0.5 |
max_generations | Maximum number of generations | 1000 |
crossover_type | Crossover type | uniform |
mutation_type | Mutation type | uniform |
parent_selection_type | Parent selection type | roulette_wheel |
protected_features | Sensitive attributes, i.e., protected features | - |
model_filepath | Filepath to the model | - |
variable_boundaries_filepath | Filepath to the variable boundaries file | - |
categorical_variables_dir | Path to the directory containing categorical variables | - |
primary_logger_type | Primary logger type | console |
Currently, SBFT can be run by executing the source code.
Clone SBFT:
git clone
Configure the parameters listed above and locate the configs.yml file in the workspace directory.
cd sbft
python3 -u ft/ <path to workspace dir>
If you use the SBFT tool, please cite:
title={Search-based fairness testing for regression-based machine learning systems},
author={Perera, Anjana and Aleti, Aldeida and Tantithamthavorn, Chakkrit and Jiarpakdee, Jirayus and Turhan, Burak and Kuhn, Lisa and Walker, Katie},
journal={Empirical Software Engineering},
- Contact Anjana Perera