Backend of a group-based, simulated sports betting app. Written in Java, utilizing PostgreSQL, Redis, Twemproxy, NGINX, RabbitMQ, Maven, Docker, and Kubernetes. Frontend can be found at
- NGINX ingress functioning as a reverse proxy, load balancer across k8s nodes, and SSL/TLS terminator, forwarding HTTP traffic towards gateway service.
- HTTP server which directs incoming requests and outgoing responses to and from their appropriate services.
- Interfaces with JWT cache (and authentication service on cache miss) and rate limiter to maximize performance while minimizing unauthorized access.
- Sliding-log rate limiter based on host IP via a sharded, replicated Redis cluster.
- Handles signup, login, reset password, and populates JWT cache during validation requests
- Asynchronously sends messages (via AMQP) to the email notification service for user signup and password reset via message queues (RabbitMQ, default exchange).
- Read-through, LRU, JWT-key, username-value cache with TTL set at JWT expiration time.
- Distributes reads across all slave instances via twemproxy (nutcracker).
- Asynchronously delivers messages to client email (via SMTP w/ TLS) from messages in queues (RabbitMQ).
- Provides client endpoints for all group-related CRUD operations
- Provides client endpoints for all bet-related CRUD operations
Performs the following non-client-facing jobs:
- Adds new games on information from api call (runs as a scheduled cronjob on non-persistent containers)
- Updates game status from "upcoming" to "playing" when game starts via Quartz scheduler and appropriate triggers (runs on a persistent container)
- Updates game status from "playing" to "settled" based on information from api call and distributes winnings to users on respective bets (runs as a scheduled cronjob on non-persistent containers)
- Updates group status after the last active day (runs as a scheduled cronjob on non-persistent containers)
Completed jobs/pods are manually garbage collected every 6 hours (see ./cleanpods/manifests)
- Message queue with 1 GiB PVC and durable messages. Utilizes direct exchange into two queues.
- Persistent data store for backend, running outside k8s cluster.
Note: I have intentionally left all env variables (in configmaps/secrets) visible and the files unencrypted for straight-forward deployment. This is NOT a suitable solution for a production environment. If you would like to customize/change them, please see the respective yaml files.
- Install PostgreSQL
brew install postgresql@16
initdb /usr/local/var/postgres/
- Start PostgreSQL
brew services start postgresql
(for postgres to run as background service)pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres/ start
(for postgres to run in the foreground)
- Initialize DB Tables, Triggers, and Indeces
CREATE DATABASE authdb with OWNER = authdbuser;
- Insert your host, port, database, user at the top of (in project root directory).
- Drop Tables (and triggers/indeces) in DB
- Insert your host, port, database, user at the top of (in project root directory).
- Install Docker:
brew install --cask docker
- Grant docker privileged access (message should appear when you launch docker).
- Install Kubernetes:
brew install kubectl
- Install Minikube:
brew install minikube
minikube config set cpu 4
minikube config set memory 8192
- Generate your own self-signed certificate for TLS:
- In the root of this project directory, run:
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout tls.key -out tls.crt -config openssl.cnf
sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain tls.crt
- Install the Certificate in Your Browser:
- Go to chrome://settings/security
- Under "Manage certificates", import tls.crt and trust it.
- Add
, kubernetes.docker.internal
, and{minikube_ip} host.minikube.internal
to /etc/hosts (need sudo permissions).
in this project root directory, with sudo permissions, to deploy on local computer via minikube.
- See
-, add
in /etc/hosts with sudo permissions. - Default login: username "guest" and password "guest".
- For monitoring k8s clusters on minikube,
provides a straight-forward, yet effective approach to monitor/manage all cluster resources. - Install with
brew install derailed/k9s/k9s
. - Run with
- For monitoring Postgres,
provides essential tools. - Install at
- Run the following:
SELECT * FROM pg_extension WHERE extname = 'pg_stat_statements';
- Infrastructure:
- Add rigorous testing suite: unit tests, docker build time tests, end-to-end tests, and performance tests
- Rewrite UpdateGroup cronjob to handle changing group start/end date-times.
- Configure all Postgres connections to use TLS and implement asynchronous, streaming replication for Postgres
- Switch internal (synchronous) HTTP w/ JSON (not AMQP) service-to-service messages to gRPC
- Implement logging framework (log4j)
- Features:
- Implement advertisements to allow users (under certain conditions, perhaps total cash + expected payouts being less than 20% of the group starting cash) to prevent users from running out of money during the betting period, while generating revenue for the application.
- Provide user with a bet advisor/AI assistant
- Add more leagues/bet types and implement parlay bets
- Implement ability to restrict groups to a subset of leagues and control user admission to groups
- Deploy to Cloud Platform:
- Switch to more rigorous identity and access management system
- Define infrastructure via Terraform
- Switch to CA certificates
- Other:
- Re-draw backend architecture using proper tooling
- Refactor codebase with better OOP design & variable-naming convention