Another deep diff algorithm but this time using Kotlin Lang
> git clone
> cd deepdiff
> ./gradlew build
In your project
compile ""
Instanciate a stateless diff
val diff = Diff()
list differences with it
val result : List<Patch<Any>> = diff.list(from, to)
Patch has a coordinate and a delta.
class Patch(val coordinate : Coordinate, val delta : Delta)
Coordinate has a string represtantation and point to the property to be patch or modified. Ej:
custom_mark_coordinate interface Coordinate {} /** @opt attributes */ class RootCoordinate implements Coordinate { public String name; } /** @opt attributes */ abstract class RelativeCoordinate implements Coordinate { public Coordinate parent; public String relativeName; } class ArrayCoordinate extends RelativeCoordinate {} class ClassCoordinate extends RelativeCoordinate {} class FieldCoordinate extends RelativeCoordinate {} class ListCoordinate extends RelativeCoordinate {} class MapCoordinate extends RelativeCoordinate {} class SetCoordinate extends RelativeCoordinate {} class SizeCoordinate extends RelativeCoordinate {}
Delta is the action, has 3 subtypes: DeltaAdd, DeltaMod and DeltaDel
custom_mark_delta interface Delta{} /** * @opt all */ class DeltaMod implements Delta{ public final Type before; public final Type after; } /** * @opt all */ class DeltaAdd implements Delta{ public final Type after; } /** * @opt all */ class DeltaDel implements Delta{ public final Type before; }
./gradlw test
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- sebasjm - Initial work - sebasjm
This project is licensed under the Apache2 License - see the file for details
- Initial idea taken from (rev 7ce32e8f52af1d4caf1a78201937b5e0f9b5d503)