flow is a command line tool that links a few things I continuously happen to do in my every day life as a mobile developer.
It's based on the Atlassian stack (stash & JIRA server) and makes a few assumptions about
- workflows,
- existing JIRA issue types,
- (branch) naming conventions,
- the URLs of stash & JIRA (as subdomains of 'company.com', which is retrieved from 'git remote -v')
- the login is global and not based on the repo for example
- and probably a few things more…
flow is also a playground for me to try out things in Swift, the Swift Package Manager and in general to learn about new things I come across while implementing new features.
flow requires macOS 10.2 with Swift 5 installed. The following will clone the repo, build the executable and create a symbolic link from your binaries folder to the executable:
git clone https://github.com/sebastianpixel/flow.git \
&& cd flow \
&& swift build -c release \
&& ln -s `pwd`/.build/release/flow /usr/local/bin/flow
flow init <options>
- create a branch based on your selection from the last updated issues and their sub-tasks in the format
, - push the branch upstream,
- assign the JIRA issue to you and
- update its status to
In Progress
Add, edit, complete, delete to-do items with flow todo
relative to the current repo, branch or without such constraint (based on iCloud reminders).
Use flow pr <options>
- write the PR description in the editor specified in your global git config,
- select a destination branch (or just use the branch of the parent issue),
- assign the PR to reviewers (or pick the default reviewers of the repo) and
- update the JIRA issue to
Ready To Review
. flow pr -m
finally merges the pull request and- shows a list of status for the issue to select from.
Taken from the usage description (flow {,help,-h,--help}
flow <command> <options>
flow <global_flags> <options>
Flags that are not preceded by a command.
-d, --debug
Print networking requests, responses, shell commands with their output and errors.
-h, --help
Print the usage description.
flow add, a
Add untracked and unstaged files.
flow assign-issue, assign <options>
Assign an issue to a user.
-h, --help
Print the usage description of 'assign-issue'.
-i, --issue <value>
The key of the issue the user should be assigned to.
If not specified flow will try to get the issue key from the currently checked out branch.
-s, --self
Assign the issue to yourself.
-u, --unassign
Remove assignee.
flow board, bo <options>
Open the JIRA board of the current sprint.
-h, --help
Print the usage description of 'board'.
-p, --project <value>
The JIRA project in which to search for the current sprint.
flow branch, br <options>
Show a list of branches to check out.
-a, --all
Select branch to checkout from all instead of only local (default)
-e, --expression <value>
Search for branch containing the specified regex pattern.
-h, --help
Print the usage description of 'branch'.
-p, --parent
Checkout branch of parent JIRA issue if there is one. Default to selecting a branch if not.
flow browse, b <options>
Browse remote repository or JIRA issue.
-d, --directory
Open the remote repository in the current directory (if -j was not set).
-e, --expression <value>
Search for branch or issue by regular expression.
-h, --help
Print the usage description of 'browse'.
-i, --issue <value>
Specify the number of an issue (or branch if -j | --jira was not set) to open.
Provide either a number if the issue is in the same project as the one
associated with the current branch (expects the branch to contain the
issue key) or a complete key (like 'PROJECT-1234').
-j, --jira
Browse JIRA issue instead of remote repository (default).
-p, --parent
Open parent issue or branch of current issue if there is one.
Otherwise fall back to current.
-P, --pull-request
Open pull request of current branch if there is one or open currently
open pull requests in current repository (if -j was not set).
flow checkout, co
Checkout unstaged files.
flow cherry-pick, cp
Cherry pick a commit from a selected branch.
flow commit, cm <options>
Create a commit in the current repository. If no message was provided
with the -m | --message argument a message template will be opened
similar to what you's see with 'git commit --verbose'.
-h, --help
Print the usage description of 'commit'.
-i, --issue
Prepend the commit message with the current JIRA issue's key.
-m, --message <value> ...
The commit's message.
-p, --push
Push after committing.
flow generate-readme, readme
Generate README.md.
flow help <options>
Print the usage description.
-h, --help
Print the usage description of 'help'.
-A, --no-ansi
Omit ansi formatting codes.
-P, --no-pager
Do not show help description in pager but write to stdout.
flow init <options>
Start working on a JIRA issue.
Either provide an JIRA issue key directly (via -i | --issue argument)
or provide the JIRA project name (via -p | --project argument) to select
an issue. The issues will be shown in the form of branch names.
With the provided issue key or the selected line
* a branch for that issue will be checked out and
* set to track a branch in the remote repository.
* Optionally the selected issue will be assigned to the current user
* and its status will be updated to "In Progress".
If the issue is not part of the current sprint you will be asked if it should be moved there.
-h, --help
Print the usage description of 'init'.
-i, --issue <value>
Specify the issue key for which to create a branch.
-p, --project <value>
The JIRA project in which to search for issues.
flow merge, m <options>
Merge another branch into the current one.
-a, --all
Select branch to merge into current one from all branches in the repository.
-b, --branch <value>
Specify a branch to merge into the current one.
If not set a selector will be shown to pick from local
(default) or all branches in the repository.
-e, --expression <value>
Search for a branch to merge containing the specified regex pattern.
-h, --help
Print the usage description of 'merge'.
-p, --parent
Merge branch of parent issue into the current branch.
flow playground, play, p
Create a playground in temporary files and open it.
flow pull-request, pr <options>
Create a pull request for the current branch:
* fetch the default reviewers if -d | --default was set or
show a list of potential reviewers to select from,
* set them as reviewers,
* let's you select the base branch or take the parent
branch if -p | --parent was selected,
* and move the current JIRA issue to 'Ready To Review'.
Alternatively to creating -m | --merge merges existing PRs.
-b, --browse
Show PR if created successfully.
-c, --copy
Copy a description of the PR with link to the clipboard e.g. to paste it into Slack.
-d, --default
Fetch the default reviewers of the repository and set them as
reviewers of the pull request if there are some.
-h, --help
Print the usage description of 'pull-request'.
-m, --merge
Select pull-request from the current repository to merge.
-n, --no-edit
Skip edit mode, create pull request with title only (taken from source branch).
-p, --parent
If current branch belongs to a sub-task this will look for the
parent issue's branch and set it as destination of the pull request.
flow rebase, r <options>
Rebase another branch into the current one.
-a, --all
Select branch to rebase into current one from all branches in the repository.
-b, --branch <value>
Specify a branch to rebase into the current one.
If not set a selector will be shown to pick from local
(default) or all branches in the repository.
-e, --expression <value>
Search for a branch to rebase containing the specified regex pattern.
-h, --help
Print the usage description of 'rebase'.
-p, --parent
Rebase branch of parent issue into the current branch.
flow reminders, todos, todo, td <options>
Show and edit todos from iCloud reminders.
-A, --add <value> ...
Directly add new reminders (semicolon separated).
-a, --all
Show all reminders instead of those from current repository (default).
-b, --branch
Show only reminders created with the current branch checked out.
-h, --help
Print the usage description of 'reminders'.
flow remove, rm <options>
Remove untracked and unstaged files.
-a, --all
Remove all untracked and unstaged files without filtering.
-h, --help
Print the usage description of 'remove'.
flow remove-branch, rmb <options>
Remove local (default) or remote branches.
-h, --help
Print the usage description of 'remove-branch'.
-r, --remote
Remove remote branches.
flow rename-branch, rnb <options>
Rename current branch.
-h, --help
Print the usage description of 'rename-branch'.
-k, --keep-current
If not set current branch will be removed from remote.
-n, --name <value>
New name for current branch.
flow reset, rs
Unstage one or more files.
flow reset-login
Reset username (saved in UserDefaults) and password (saved in Keychain).
flow resolve-conflicts, resolve
Open files with merge conflicts in vim tabs.
flow revert, rv
Select a commit to revert.
flow status, st <options>
Set the status of the current JIRA issue.
-h, --help
Print the usage description of 'status'.
-i, --issue <value>
Specify the issue key for which to set the transition.
flow xcopen, open, o <options>
Open Xcode workspace, project or playground in current working directory.
-h, --help
Print the usage description of 'xcopen'.
-p, --path <value>
Path to directory of Xcode workspace, project or playground or directly to workspace, project or playground.