This is an unofficial LaTeX template for KCL MSc Projects for the Informatics Department.
How ever it has been approved by the supervisor for the MSc Projects for 2015/16 of the Informatics Department Hak-Keung Lam ([email protected]).
It is derived from the Imperial College London Thesis template (which can be found here).
Unfortunately it has no Licence given, therefore I publish this under the MIT License.
Changes have been made by Sebastian Zillessen ([email protected]) to adapt it to KCL.
The front page and the bibliography style of King's Harvard V1 have been adapted from the official resources of KCL which were ported to LaTex by Andre Müller ([email protected]). Many thanks!
Feel free to modify it or adapt it to your requirements, just make sure that you share your wisdom with everyone else by submitting a merge request.
I do not give any guarantee on this template that it fullfils the KCL regulations or any other regulations.
To compile the checked out template please run:
xelatex -file-line-error -interaction=nonstopmode Thesis.tex
bibtex Thesis
makeindex Thesis.acn
makeindex Thesis.glo
xelatex Thesis.tex
in your terminal. Alternatively (and recommended) use Texpad ( to open the project, it will recognise your required typesetting commands by default!
Feel free to use the layout for your own projects. If you're making changes that could be useful to other users as well, please contribute by creating a pull request and state what you changed. The repository can be found here: