New methodology for performing image clustering based on user-specified criteria in the form of text by leveraging modern Vision-Language Models and Large Language Models. arXiv Link.
- Our paper is accepted in ICLR'24. See you in Vienna!
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Sample images from clustering results of IC|TC. The method finds clusters consistent with the user-specified text criterion. Furthermore, the method provides cluster names (texts above each image cluster) along with the clusters, enhancing the interpretability of clustering results.
IC|TC is very simple. All you need to do is input a text prompt reflecting the clustering criteria to the Vision Language Model (VLM) and Large Language Model (LLM) at each step.
(Step 1) VLM extracts detailed relevant textual descriptions of images. (Step 2) LLM identifies the names of the clusters. (Step 3) LLM conducts clustering by assigning each description to the appropriate cluster. The entire procedure is guided by a user-specified text criterion (
- Clone this repository
git clone
- Install Packages
conda create -n ictc python=3.10 -y
conda activate ictc
pip install --upgrade pip # enable PEP 660 support
pip install -e .
This section explains how to prepare the images that we used. The images have to be in .jpg, .JPEG, or .png format (you can add more in load_image_paths_from_folder function from file). The image names have to be in the following format: {IMG_NUMBER}_{CLASS_NAME}.{FORMAT}.
mkdir -p ~/data/mnist
cd ~/data/mnist
git clone
mv mnist-pngs/test/* .
rm -rf mnist-pngs
cd ~/ICTC/scripts
mkdir -p ~/data/cifar10
cd ~/data/cifar10
tar xzf cifar.tgz
mv ./cifar/test/* . # only use test set
rm -rf cifar*
pip install cifar2png
cifar2png cifar100superclass ~/data/cifar100/
cd ~/data/cifar100/
rm -rf train/
mv ./test/* . # only use test set
rm -rf test/
cd ~/ICTC/scripts
./ # change the file format
mkdir -p ~/data/stl10/
cd ~/ICTC/scripts
cd ~/data/stl10/
rm -rf stl10_binary*
cd ~/ICTC/scripts
python # change the file format
cd ~/data/stl10/
rm -rf test/*/
mkdir -p ~/data/stanford-40-actions
cd ~/data/stanford-40-actions
rm -rf
cd ~/ICTC/scripts
The 7 subclasses are: saxophone, guitar, trumpet, cello, flute, violin and harp
mkdir -p ~/data/ppmi
cd ~/data/ppmi
rm -rf README
rm -rf norm_image/with_instrument
rm -rf ./*/*/train
mv ./norm_image/play_instrument/*/test/* .
rm -rf norm_image/
cd ~/ICTC/scripts
cd ~/data/ppmi
mkdir 12_classes
mkdir 7_classes
mkdir 2_categories
cd ~/ICTC/scripts
cp * ~/data/ppmi/12_classes
cp *_Saxophone.jpg *_Guitar.jpg *_Trumpet.jpg *_Cello.jpg *_Flute.jpg *_Violin.jpg *_Harp.jpg ./7_classes
cp ./7_classes/* ./2_categories
cd ~/ICTC/scripts
Assuming the current directory is ~/ICTC.
Image descriptions will be saved in './{dataset}/{llm}/{vlm}/step1_result.jsonl'.
python step1/llava/eval/ --dataset cifar10
python step1/blip2/ --dataset cifar10
From the description of the image provided by VLM, ask LLM for a possible label.
python ictc/ --dataset cifar10
To use GPT-4, enable args.use_gpt4. Or to use Llama-2, enable args.llama
Using the saved file containing initial labels, ask LLM to summarize them into K classes.
python ictc/ --dataset cifar10
Now you obtained K classes. Feed LLM with image description and a list of possible classes. Obtain the final classification.
python ictc/ --dataset cifar10
Classic metrics used in clustering literature.
python ictc/ --dataset cifar10
If you feel IC|TC useful for your research and applications, please cite using this BibTeX:
title={Image Clustering Conditioned on Text Criteria},
author={Sehyun Kwon and Jaeseung Park and Minkyu Kim and Jaewoong Cho and Ernest K. Ryu and Kangwook Lee},
journal={International Conference on Learning Representations},