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Releases: seismology-RUB/NEXD-2D

NEXD 2D, release v0.4.1

21 Oct 09:01
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  • Segmentation fault that appeared during inversion in some cases

NEXD 2D, release v0.4

29 Apr 11:12
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  • Full waveform inversion
  • Interface for meshs created by gmsh


  • Definition of fractures / linear slip interfaces now requires the relaxation frequency instead of the thickness and elastic moduli.
  • Definitions of reference frequencies for viscoelastic attenuation are changed to frequencies instead of angular frequencies.


  • Flag 'debug' in parfile

NEXD 2D, release v0.3

13 Dec 13:45
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A new main feature has been implemented: NEXD 2D now supports wave propagation in porous materials that are saturated by two immiscible fluids. Additionally, we improved some features.

NEXD 2D, release v0.2.1

20 Mar 09:01
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This release is a hotfix that corrects the implementation of sources. The problem occurred when several sources were found in the same partition of the mesh.

NEXD 2D, release v0.2

20 Sep 11:51
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This is the first (hopefully) stable release of NEXD 2D.

We improved a lot of features and fixed several bugs. A new main feature has been implemented: NEXD 2D now supports wave propagation over fractures using the concept of linear slip interfaces. In addition a documentation is now available.

NEXD 2D, pre-release v0.1

23 Mar 17:04
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This is the very first release of NEXD 2D.