Releases: seismology-RUB/NEXD-2D
Releases · seismology-RUB/NEXD-2D
NEXD 2D, release v0.4.1
NEXD 2D, release v0.4
- Full waveform inversion
- Interface for meshs created by gmsh
- Definition of fractures / linear slip interfaces now requires the relaxation frequency instead of the thickness and elastic moduli.
- Definitions of reference frequencies for viscoelastic attenuation are changed to frequencies instead of angular frequencies.
- Flag 'debug' in parfile
NEXD 2D, release v0.3
A new main feature has been implemented: NEXD 2D now supports wave propagation in porous materials that are saturated by two immiscible fluids. Additionally, we improved some features.
NEXD 2D, release v0.2.1
This release is a hotfix that corrects the implementation of sources. The problem occurred when several sources were found in the same partition of the mesh.
NEXD 2D, release v0.2
This is the first (hopefully) stable release of NEXD 2D.
We improved a lot of features and fixed several bugs. A new main feature has been implemented: NEXD 2D now supports wave propagation over fractures using the concept of linear slip interfaces. In addition a documentation is now available.
NEXD 2D, pre-release v0.1
This is the very first release of NEXD 2D.