This is the source to build a docker container for noflo-nodejs. There shall be an additional version for X86 in addition to the current ARM (Raspberry Pi) version.
Install docker engine on a Raspberry Pi and then run
docker run -d -e "SEJNUB_FLOWHUB_USERID=<user-id>" -e "SEJNUB_NOFLO_RUNTIME_HOST=<host>" -e "SEJNUB_NOFLO_RUNTIME_SECRET=<secret>" -e "SEJNUB_NOFLO_RUNTIME_LABEL=<label>" --name nojs -p 3569:3569 sejnub/noflo-runtime-js:rpi-latest
and now the longer version:
Seems to be working. Totally free to use by everyone.
Latest version for Raspberry Pi
docker rm $(docker ps -a -f status=exited -q)
docker rmi $(docker images -f dangling=true -q)
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -f dangling=true -q)
cd ~; rm -rf docker-noflo-runtime-js; git clone
cd ~/docker-noflo-runtime-js; docker build --no-cache=false -t sejnub/noflo-runtime-js:rpi-latest .
Push images to
If you are not sejnub you have to retag the images to your username at dockerhub and use those new tags. The following commands use the authors tags.
Log into dockerhub and push the images with
docker login
docker push sejnub/noflo-runtime-js:rpi-latest
You have to create an env-file /usr/local/etc/sejnub-credentials.env
with the following content
# noflo-runtime-js
Depending on if you created the env-file you run one of the following commands
docker rm -f nojs; docker run -it -e "SEJNUB_FLOWHUB_USERID=<user-id>" -e "SEJNUB_NOFLO_RUNTIME_HOST=<host>" -e "SEJNUB_NOFLO_RUNTIME_SECRET=<secret>" -e "SEJNUB_NOFLO_RUNTIME_LABEL=<label>" --name nojs -p 3569:3569 sejnub/noflo-runtime-js:rpi-latest /bin/bash
docker rm -f nojs; docker run -it --env-file /usr/local/etc/sejnub-credentials.env --name nojs -p 3569:3569 sejnub/noflo-runtime-js:rpi-latest /bin/bash
Depending on if you created the env-file you run one of the following commands
docker rm -f nojs; docker run -d -e "SEJNUB_FLOWHUB_USERID=<user-id>" -e "SEJNUB_NOFLO_RUNTIME_HOST=<host>" -e "SEJNUB_NOFLO_RUNTIME_SECRET=<secret>" -e "SEJNUB_NOFLO_RUNTIME_LABEL=<label>" --name nojs -p 3569:3569 sejnub/noflo-runtime-js:rpi-latest
docker rm -f nojs; docker run -d --env-file /usr/local/etc/sejnub-credentials.env --name nojs -p 3569:3569 sejnub/noflo-runtime-js:rpi-latest
or you can also use a mix like e.g.
docker rm -f nojs; docker run -d --env-file /usr/local/etc/sejnub-credentials.env -e "SEJNUB_NOFLO_RUNTIME_LABEL=<label>" --name nojs -p 3569:3569 sejnub/noflo-runtime-js:rpi-latest
The specified port on the host $SEJNUB_NOFLO_RUNTIME_HOST must be accesible from the browser.