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Sentiment Bot Rails API

Teams JSON to get an idea of the data structure:

Sign Up

POST api/users

Request Body:

{ firstName: String, lastName: String, email: String, password: String }

Log In

POST api/tokens

Request Body:

{ email: String, password: String }

Every Endpoint Below Requires JWT token in Authorization Header

Note: This endpoint should be used after logging in and decoding the JWT token in the front end to get the userId to retrieve all user attributes.

User Endpoints

Join a Team

POST api/join

Request Body:

{ code: Integer }

Create a Response(Feelzy)

POST api/users/:userId/responses

Request Body:

{ mood: String, emoji: String }

Optional :

{ imageUrl: String, surveyId: Integer, longitude: Float, latitude: Float }

Note: Team receives responses through users which is why surveyId is optional. Beyond MVP once a user can join multiple teams this will not work and needs to fixed. Longitude and Latitude is only required for mobile.

Manager Endpoints

Create a Team

POST api/users/:userId/teams

Request Body:

{ teamName: String }

Get Team's User Responses(Feelzys)

GET api/teams/:teamId/responses

Request Body:


Create a Team's Survey

POST api/teams/:teamId/surveys

Request Body:

{ schedule: String }

Optional :

{ question: String }

Note: Question is optional for now because MVP will simple ask "How do you feel?", however the field is present for future feature expansion

Update Survey

PUT api/surveys/:id

Request Body:

{ schedule: string }

Note: This is what will trigger the change in notification whether that be daily,weekly, or monthly.

Get Team's Surveys

GET api/teams/:teamId/surveys

Request Body:


Note: Only use first survey object in team's surveys array. MVP will be static to one survey.

Get Feeling options of a Survey

GET api/surveys/:surveyId/feelings

Request Body:


Create a Feeling option of a Survey

POST api/surveys/:surveyId/feelings

Request Body:

{ mood: String, emoji: String }

Delete a Feeling option of a Survey

DELETE api/feelings/:id

Request Body:


Manager and User Endpoints

Leave Team or Remove User from Team

DELETE api/:teamid/users/:id

Request Body:


Change Password

POST api/changePassword

Request Body:

{ password: String }


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