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The Senzing C# SDK provides the C# interface to the native Senzing SDK's. This repository is dependent on the Senzing native shared library (.so, .dylib or .dll) that is part of the Senzing product and function without it.

While this SDK is being made available as open source, the actual Senzing.Sdk NuGet package file (Senzing.Sdk.4.0.0-beta.2.0.nupkg) that you use should be obtained from Senzing product installation to ensure that the C# code version matches the native library version.


  1. Microsoft .NET for your platform:

  2. Senzing v4.0 or later (for running unit tests)

  3. Set the SENZING_PATH environment variable:

    • Linux: export SENZING_PATH=/opt/senzing
    • macOS: export SENZING_PATH=$HOME/senzing
    • Windows: set SENZING_PATH=%USERPROFILE%\senzing
  4. Set your library path appropriately for Senzing libraries:

    • Linux: Set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH:

      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/senzing/er/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

      export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Library/Senzing/er/lib:/Library/Senzing/er/lib/macOS:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH
    • Windows: Set Path:

      set Path=C:\Senzing\er\lib;C:\Senzing\er\lib\windows;%Path%


  1. Building with Debug:

    dotnet build Senzing.Sdk

    The DLL will be found in Senzing.Sdk/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Senzing.Sdk.dll The NuGet package will be ound in Senzing.Sdk/bin/Debug/Senzing.Sdk.4.0.0-beta.2.0.nupkg

  2. Building with Release:

    dotnet build -c Release Senzing.Sdk

    The DLL will be found in Senzing.Sdk/bin/Release/netstandard2.0/Senzing.Sdk.dll The NuGet package will be ound in Senzing.Sdk/bin/Release/Senzing.Sdk.4.0.0-beta.2.0.nupkg

  3. Running unit tests:

    dotnet test Senzing.Sdk.Tests
  4. Verifying the code formatting:

    dotnet format --verify-no-changes --verbosity diagnostic Senzing.Sdk
    dotnet format --verify-no-changes --verbosity diagnostic Senzing.Sdk.Tests
  5. Generate documentation:

    dotnet docfx docfx.json

    The generated documentation will reside in target/apidocs/_site/

  6. Clean up build artfiacts:

    dotnet clean Senzing.Sdk
    dotnet clean -c Release Senzing.Sdk
    dotnet clean Senzing.Sdk.Tests
    rm -rf target


  1. Create and configure a local NuGet repository:

    mkdir [path]
    dotnet nuget add source [path] -n [local-source-name]
    • Example (macOS / Linux):

      mkdir -p ~/dev/nuget/packages
      dotnet nuget add source ~/dev/nuget/packages -n dev
    • Example (Windows):

      mkdir %USERPROFILE%\dev\nuget\packages
      dotnet nuget add source %USERPROFILE%\dev\nuget\packages -n dev
  2. Push the Senzing.Sdk NuGet package from your Senzing distribution to your local repository:

    dotnet nuget push [path-to-Senzing.Sdk.4.0.0-beta.2.0.nupkg] --source [local-source-name]
    • Example (macOS / Linux):

      dotnet nuget push /opt/senzing/er/sdk/dotnet/Senzing.Sdk.4.0.0-beta.2.0.nupkg --source dev
    • Example (Windows):

      dotnet nuget push %USERPROFILE%\Senzing\er\sdk\dotnet\Senzing.Sdk.4.0.0-beta.2.0.nupkg --source dev
  3. Add the Senzing.Sdk NuGet package as a dependency to your project:

    • OPTION 1: Add the latest pre-release version of Senzing.Sdk as your dependency:

      dotnet add [your-project-name] package Senzing.Sdk --prerelease
    • OPTION 2: Add a specific version of Senzing.Sdk as your dependency:

      dotnet add [your-project-name] package Senzing.Sdk --version 4.0.0-beta.2.0
    • OPTION 3: Add the latest production version of Senzing.Sdk as your dependency (note: this will only function once Senzing.Sdk v4.0.0 is released):

      dotnet add [your-project-name] package Senzing.Sdk