Most (ok, prettymuch all) of these have been stol*COUGH* politely included in this repository. Proper attribution follows at the end of it all... Unless otherwise specified, all files are under the unlicense
Well, if EMACS or vi are too much of a PITA for you to learn, and all the other text editors you've used are likewise annoying for some reason (yes i'm looking at you Kate & Gedit) then nano is probably your best option! (Or if you just like the simplicity of using an extremely lightweight console editor, which is one of the biggest reasons why I use it)
One of the easiest ways is like this:
git clone ~/.nano
then simply add the different *.nanorc files that you want to use to your ~/.nanorc
file. for example, this is mine:
## my awesome ~/.nanorc file!!!
## spifftastic nano highlighting nano!!
include "~/.nano/nanorc.nanorc"
## Ruby
include "~/.nano/ruby.nanorc"
## C/C++
include "~/.nano/c.nanorc"
## Python
include "~/.nano/python.nanorc"
## Bourne shell scripts
include "~/.nano/bash.nanorc"
## CSS
include "~/.nano/css.nanorc"
include "~/.nano/html.nanorc"
## Markdown
include "~/.nano/markdown.nanorc"
There are other spiffy things you can do in your .nanorc
file, see nanorc manpage online or your very own nanorc manpage for more details.
OOH!!! That's spiffy!!! Thanks for all your hard work in making all these files!!!
Umm, yeah, about that, I didn't make all of them, here is the list of who did what with whom:
Files from nanosyntax (New BSD license)
apache2.nanorc | css.nanorc | httpstatuscodes.nanorc | nscd.nanorc | rcfiles-new.nanorc |
apacheconf.nanorc | debian.nanorc | info.nanorc | others.nanorc | rsync.nanorc |
aptsrclist.nanorc | default.nanorc | ini.nanorc | paludis.nanorc | ruby.nanorc |
asm.nanorc | delphi.nanorc | initng.nanorc | passwd.nanorc | shlike.nanorc |
bash.nanorc | desc.nanorc | initscript.nanorc | patch.nanorc | sh.nanorc |
c-file.nanorc | dotemacs.nanorc | java.nanorc | perl.nanorc | softcam.nanorc |
changelog.nanorc | dummy.nanorc | js.nanorc | php2.nanorc | sources_list.nanorc |
changelogs.nanorc | ebuild.nanorc | log-stuff.nanorc | php.nanorc | tab.nanorc |
clike.nanorc | ekghistory.nanorc | maincf.nanorc | plaudis.nanorc | tcl.nanorc |
c.nanorc | etcportage.nanorc | makefile.nanorc | po.nanorc | tex.nanorc |
config2.nanorc | etc-stuff.nanorc | man.nanorc | postgresql.nanorc | urls.nanorc |
config3.nanorc | etcxml.nanorc | mcchangelog.nanorc | pov.nanorc | vhost.nanorc |
configfiles.nanorc | gentoo.nanorc | mimetype.nanorc | privoxy.nanorc | xdefaults.nanorc |
config.nanorc | groff.nanorc | mutt.nanorc | profile.nanorc | xml.nanorc |
conf.nanorc | havp.nanorc | named.nanorc | python.nanorc | xorg.nanorc |
conky.nanorc | html.nanorc | nanorc.nanorc | rcfiles.nanorc |
Files from scopatz / nanorc ('do whatever you want' licence)
his repo has since changed, see LICENSE for the new license these fall under
apacheconf.nanorc | css.nanorc | groff.nanorc | man.nanorc | patch.nanorc | python.nanorc |
asm.nanorc | cython.nanorc | html.nanorc | markdown.nanorc | perl.nanorc | tex.nanorc |
fortran.nanorc | java.nanorc | mutt.nanorc | php.nanorc | reST.nanorc | xml.nanorc |
gentoo.nanorc | lua.nanorc | nanorc.nanorc | pov.nanorc | ruby.nanorc | sh.nanorc |
c.nanorc | conf.nanorc |
markdown.nanorc | txt2tags.nanorc |
Files from aaronhamilton / coffeescript-nano
coffee.nanorc |
That's it, have fun & dont hurt yourself!!