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Serverless Plugins allow users to extend or overwrite the framework's core functionality. Many of these plugins are contributed by our amazing community members! 🎉
This repository is meant to be the one stop shop for all the awesome plugins out there in the serverless ecosytem.
If you have ideas for features or plugins, add a new thread in the issues.
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Note: Please don't add your plugin at the end of the array in the plugins.json
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In order for your plugin to be considered for Community, Approved or Certified status, they need to meet certain criteria listed on this page. If you feel your plugin meets that criteria and you wish to apply to have its status changed to match please complete the form to apply for support status and we will get back to you as soon as we have been able to confirm.
Plugin | Stats |
@Endemolshinegroup/serverless Dynamodb Autoscaler - @endemolshinegroup/serverless-dynamodb-autoscaler by EndemolShineGroup Autoscale DynamoDB resources with a single AWS AutoScalingPlan |
@Haftahave/serverless Ses Template - @haftahave/serverless-ses-template by haftahave A serveless plugin that allows automatically creating, updating and removing AWS SES Templates using a configuration file and keeps your AWS SES Templates synced with your configuration file. |
@Serverless/enterprise Plugin - @serverless/enterprise-plugin by serverless The Serverless Enterprise Plugin |
@Unly/serverless Env Copy Plugin - @unly/serverless-env-copy-plugin by UnlyEd Fetch environment variables and write it to a .env file - Maintained fork from |
@Unly/serverless Plugin Dynamodb Backups - @unly/serverless-plugin-dynamodb-backups by UnlyEd Configure automated DynamoDB "On-Demand" backups and manage backups lifecycle, powered by AWS Lambda |
Add Api Key - serverless-add-api-key by rrahul963 Serverless plugin to add same api key for multiple serverless services i.e. to re-use apikey across multiple api gateway apis. |
Alexa Plugin - serverless-alexa-plugin by rajington Serverless plugin to support Alexa Lambda events |
Alexa Skills - serverless-alexa-skills by marcy-terui Manage your Alexa Skills with Serverless Framework. |
Aliyun Function Compute - serverless-aliyun-function-compute by aliyun Serverless Alibaba Cloud Function Compute Plugin |
Api Cloudfront - serverless-api-cloudfront by Droplr Plugin that adds CloudFront distribution in front of your API Gateway for custom domain, CDN caching and access log. |
Api Compression - serverless-api-compression by evgenykireev Serverless plugin that enables/disables content compression setting in API Gateway |
Api Gateway Caching - serverless-api-gateway-caching by DianaIonita Serverless plugin which configures API Gateway caching |
Api Gateway Stage Tag Plugin - api-gateway-stage-tag-plugin by mikepatrick A shim to tag API Gateway stages until CloudFormation/Serverless support arrives. |
Api Gateway Throttling - serverless-api-gateway-throttling by DianaIonita Serverless plugin which configures throttling for API Gateway endpoints |
Api Stage - serverless-api-stage by leftclickben Serverless API Stage plugin, enables stage variables and logging for AWS API Gateway. |
Apib Validator - serverless-apib-validator by onlicar Validate that an API Blueprint has full coverage over a Serverless config |
Apig S3 - serverless-apig-s3 by sdd Serve static front-end content from S3 via the API Gateway and deploy client bundle to S3. |
Apigateway Plugin - serverless-apigateway-plugin by GFG Configure the AWS api gateway: Binary support, Headers and Body template mappings |
Apigateway Service Proxy - serverless-apigateway-service-proxy by horike37 This Serverless Framewrok plugin supports the AWS service proxy integration feature of API Gateway. |
Apigateway Sqs - serverless-plugin-apigateway-sqs by CodeRecipe-dev Plugin that creates an AWS APIGateway resource to connect to an AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS) without the use of a lambda. |
Apigator - serverless-apigator by microgamma This serverless plugin enables you to write AWS lambda with typescript using Microgamma |
Apigw Binary - serverless-apigw-binary by maciejtreder Plugin to enable binary support in AWS API Gateway. |
Apigwy Binary - serverless-apigwy-binary by ryanmurakami Serverless plugin for configuring API Gateway to return binary responses |
Appsync Offline - serverless-appsync-offline by aheissenberger Serverless Plugin to run AWS AppSync GraphQL API localy with dynamoDB and lambda resolvers |
Appsync Plugin - serverless-appsync-plugin by sid88in Serverless Plugin to deploy AppSync GraphQL API |
Appsync Simulator - serverless-appsync-simulator by bboure Offline support for serverless-appsync-plugin |
Associate Waf - serverless-associate-waf by mikesouza Associate a regional WAF with the AWS API Gateway used by your Serverless stack |
Attach Managed Policy - serverless-attach-managed-policy by Nordstrom A Serverless plugin to automatically attach an AWS Managed IAM Policy (or Policies) to all IAM Roles created by the Service. |
Aws Alerts - serverless-plugin-aws-alerts by ACloudGuru A Serverless plugin to easily add CloudWatch alarms to functions |
Aws Alias - serverless-aws-alias by serverless-heaven This plugin enables use of AWS aliases on Lambda functions. |
Aws Amplify - aws-amplify-serverless-plugin by awslabs Generate client-side configuration files for the AWS Amplify library based on your deployed Serverless backend |
Aws Cognito Idp Userpool Domain - aws-cognito-idp-userpool-domain by rubentrancoso Manage (add and remove) aws hosted domain on Cognito Userpools |
Aws Documentation - serverless-aws-documentation by deliveryhero Serverless 1.0 plugin to add documentation and models to the serverless generated API Gateway |
Aws Nested Stacks - serverless-aws-nested-stacks by concon121 Yet another AWS nested stack plugin! |
Aws Resolvers - serverless-plugin-aws-resolvers by DopplerLabs Resolves variables from ESS, RDS, or Kinesis for serverless services |
Aws Resource Names - serverless-aws-resource-names by concon121 Serverless plugin to alter the default naming conventions for sls resources via a simple mapping file. |
Aws Static File Handler - serverless-aws-static-file-handler by activescott An easy way to host the front-end of your web applications on Serverless framework on AWS Lambda along with their APIs written in Serverless. |
Azure Functions - serverless-azure-functions by serverless A Serverless plugin that adds Azure Functions support to the Serverless Framework. |
Basic Authentication - serverless-basic-authentication by svdgraaf Serverless Plugin for adding Basic Authentication to your api |
Bespoken - serverless-plugin-bespoken by bespoken Creates a local server and a proxy so you don't have to deploy anytime you want to test your code |
Bind Deployment Id - serverless-plugin-bind-deployment-id by jacob-meacham A Serverless plugin to bind the randomly generated deployment resource to your custom resources |
Browserifier - serverless-plugin-browserifier by digitalmaas Reduce the size and speed up your Node.js based lambda's using browserify. |
Browserify - serverless-plugin-browserify by doapp-ryanp Speed up your node based lambda's |
Build Client - serverless-build-client by tgfischer Build your static website with environment variables defined in serverless.yml |
Build Plugin - serverless-build-plugin by nfour A Node.js focused build plugin for serverless. |
Canary Deployments - serverless-plugin-canary-deployments by davidgf A Serverless plugin to implement canary deployments of Lambda functions |
Certificate Creator - serverless-certificate-creator by schwamster This serverless plugin creates certificates that you need for your custom domains in API Gateway. |
Cf Vars - serverless-cf-vars by kabo Enables use of AWS pseudo functions and Fn::Sub string substitution |
Cfauthorizer - serverless-plugin-cfauthorizer by SC5 This plugin allows you to define your own API Gateway Authorizers as the Serverless CloudFormation resources and apply them to HTTP endpoints. |
Chrome - serverless-plugin-chrome by adieuadieu Plugin which bundles and ensures that Headless Chrome/Chromium is running when your AWS Lambda function handler is invoked. |
Cljs Plugin - serverless-cljs-plugin by nervous-systems Enables Clojurescript as an implementation language for Lambda handlers |
Cloudflare Workers - serverless-cloudflare-workers by cloudflare A serverless plugin allowing you to integrate with Cloudflare Workers |
Cloudformation Changesets - serverless-cloudformation-changesets by trek10inc Natively deploy to CloudFormation via Change sets, instead of directly. Allowing you to queue changes, and safely require escalated roles for final deployment. |
Cloudformation Parameter Setter - serverless-cloudformation-parameter-setter by trek10inc Set CloudFormation parameters when deploying. |
Cloudformation Resource Counter - serverless-cloudformation-resource-counter by drexler A plugin to count the resources generated in the AWS CloudFormation stack after deployment. |
Cloudformation Sub Variables - serverless-cloudformation-sub-variables by santiagocardenas Serverless framework plugin for easily supporting AWS CloudFormation Sub function variables |
Cloudfront Lambda Edge - serverless-plugin-cloudfront-lambda-edge by silvermine Adds Lambda@Edge support to Serverless |
Cloudside Plugin - serverless-cloudside-plugin by jeremydaly Easily reference and use cloudside resources during local development and testing |
Cloudwatch Dashboard - serverless-plugin-cloudwatch-dashboard by codecentric Serverless plugin to generate AWS CloudWatch dashboard for AWS Lambda functions |
Cloudwatch Sumologic - serverless-plugin-cloudwatch-sumologic by ACloudGuru Plugin which auto-subscribes a log delivery lambda function to lambda log groups created by serverless |
Coffeescript - serverless-coffeescript by duanefields A Serverless plugin to compile your CoffeeScript into JavaScript at deployment |
Cognito Add Custom Attributes - serverless-cognito-add-custom-attributes by GetWala Serverless Plugin for adding custom attributes to an existing CloudFormation-managed CognitoUserPool and CognitoUserPoolClient without losing all your users |
Colocate - serverless-plugin-colocate by aronim Serverless Plugin to keep your configuration next to your code. |
Command Line Event Args - serverless-command-line-event-args by horike37 This module is Serverless Framework plugin. Event JSON passes to your Lambda function in commandline. |
Common Excludes - serverless-plugin-common-excludes by dougmoscrop Adds commonly excluded files to package.excludes |
Composed Vars - serverless-plugin-composed-vars by chris-feist A plugin that composes custom and environment variables based on the deployment stage |
Conditional Functions - serverless-plugin-conditional-functions by go-dima A plugin that allows adding simple feature flag per function via a boolean condition. |
Configuration - serverless-configuration by jlopez Easily customize serverless.yml depending on the stage or whether running online/offline |
Confirm Command - serverless-confirm-command by teddy-gustiaux Make commands (and provider-specific options) requiring confirmation before execution. |
Consul Variables - serverless-consul-variables by zephrax Retrieve serverless variables from Consul kv |
Content Encoding - serverless-content-encoding by dong-dohai Enable Content Encoding in AWS API Gateway during deployment |
Convention - serverless-convention by LeoPlatform Dynamically import resources by defining a convention, split up your yml |
Create Dynamodb Global Tables For Cf Stack - serverless-create-dynamodb-global-tables-for-cf-stack by Imran99 Create and replicate global dynamodb tables |
Create Global Dynamodb Table - serverless-create-global-dynamodb-table by rrahul963 Serverless plugin to create dynamodb global tables |
Cronjob - serverless-plugin-cronjob by martinlindenberg This plugin creates cronjobs out of your lambda functions. |
Crypt - serverless-crypt by marcy-terui Securing the secrets on Serverless Framework by AWS KMS encryption. |
Custom Domain - serverless-plugin-custom-domain by dougmoscrop Reliably sets a BasePathMapping to an API Gateway Custom Domain |
Custom Packaging Plugin - serverless-custom-packaging-plugin by hypoport Plugin to package your sourcecode using a custom target path inside the zip. |
Custom Roles - serverless-plugin-custom-roles by AntonBazhal A Serverless plugin that makes creation of per function IAM roles easier. |
Datadog - serverless-plugin-datadog by DataDog Monitoring, tracing, and real-time metrics for your Lambda functions |
Decouple - serverless-plugin-decouple by mutual-of-enumclaw Remove ImportValue dependencies by replacing them with the actual values in order to update base exports |
Default Aws Resource Properties - serverless-default-aws-resource-properties by neverendingqs Set default properties a given CloudFormation resource should have based on type. |
Dependson Plugin - serverless-dependson-plugin by bwinant Serverless plugin that automatically generates DependsOn references for AWS Lambdas to prevent AWS RequestLimitExceeded errors. |
Deploy Environment - serverless-plugin-deploy-environment by DopplerLabs Plugin to manage deployment environment across stages |
Deployment Bucket - serverless-deployment-bucket by mikesouza Create and configure the custom Serverless deployment bucket |
Diff - serverless-plugin-diff by nicka Compares your local AWS CloudFormation templates against deployed ones. |
Ding - serverless-ding by sidgonuts Serverless plugin to audibly alert user after deployment |
Dir Config Plugin - serverless-dir-config-plugin by economysizegeek EXPERIMENTAL - Serverless plugin to load function and resource definitions from a directory. |
Disable Functions - serverless-disable-functions by abeMedia A simple serverless plugin to disable functions. |
Discovery Plugin - serverless-discovery-plugin by aregier A serverless plugin to register AWS micro-service endpoints with a discovery service at serverless deploy or serverless remove time. |
Docker Artifacts - serverless-docker-artifacts by Suor Build your artifacts within docker container. |
Domain Manager - serverless-domain-manager by amplify-education Serverless plugin for managing custom domains with API Gateways. |
Dotenv - serverless-dotenv by Jimdo Fetch environment variables and write it to a .env file |
Dotenv Plugin - serverless-dotenv-plugin by infrontlabs Preload environment variables from .env into serverless. |
Dotnet - serverless-dotnet by fruffin A serverless plugin to run 'dotnet' commands as part of the deploy process |
Dynalite - serverless-dynalite by sdd Run dynalite locally (no JVM, all JS) to simulate DynamoDB. Watch serverless.yml for table config updates. |
Dynamo Stream Plugin - serverless-dynamo-stream-plugin by commandeer Creates and connects DynamoDB streams for pre-existing tables with AWS Lambdas using Serverless. |
Dynamodb Autoscaling - serverless-dynamodb-autoscaling by sbstjn Configure Amazon DynamoDB's native Auto Scaling for your table capacities. |
Dynamodb Autoscaling - serverless-plugin-dynamodb-autoscaling by medikoo Auto generate auto scaling configuration for configured DynamoDB tables |
Dynamodb Client - serverless-dynamodb-client by 99xt This Serverless 0.5.x plugin help you to call AWS Dynamodb SDK without switching between different dynamodb instances, whether you work with Dynamodb local or online in AWS. |
Dynamodb Fixtures - serverless-dynamodb-fixtures by chechu Serverless Dynamodb Fixtures - Allows to load data on DynamoDB tables |
Dynamodb Local - serverless-dynamodb-local by 99xt Serverless Dynamodb Local Plugin - Allows to run dynamodb locally for serverless |
Dynamodb Ttl - serverless-dynamodb-ttl by Jimdo Configure DynamoDB TTL in serverless.yml (until CloudFormation supports this). |
Elastic Beanstalk - serverless-plugin-elastic-beanstalk by rawphp A serverless plugin to deploy applications to AWS ElasticBeanstalk. |
Embedded Env In Code - serverless-plugin-embedded-env-in-code by zaru Replace environment variables with static strings before deployment. It’s for Lambda@Edge. |
Enable Api Logs - serverless-enable-api-logs by paulSambolin Enables Coudwatch logging for API Gateway events |
Encode Env Var Objects - serverless-plugin-encode-env-var-objects by yonomi Serverless plugin to encode any environment variable objects. |
Env Generator - serverless-env-generator by DieProduktMacher Manage environment variables with YAML and load them with dotenv. Supports variable encryption with KMS, multiple stages and custom profiles. |
Ephemeral - serverless-ephemeral by Accenture Build and include custom stateless libraries for any language |
Epsagon - serverless-plugin-epsagon by epsagon Distributed tracing that helps you monitor and troubleshoot your serverless applications. |
Es Logs - serverless-es-logs by daniel-cottone A Serverless plugin to transport logs to ElasticSearch |
Event Body Option - serverless-event-body-option by jubel-han Serverless plugin that provides the extra CLI option for the invoke command to support passing the HTTP body data. |
Event Constant Inputs - serverless-event-constant-inputs by dittto Allows you to add constant inputs to events in Serverless 1.0. For more info see constant values in Cloudwatch |
Existing S3 - serverless-plugin-existing-s3 by matt-filion Overcomes the CloudFormation limitation on attaching an event to an uncontrolled bucket, for 1.11.0+. |
Export Env - serverless-export-env by arabold Export environment variables into a .env file with automatic AWS CloudFormation reference resolution. |
Export Outputs - serverless-export-outputs by honarpour A Serverless plugin for exporting AWS stack outputs to a file |
Express - serverless-express by mikestaub Making express app development compatible with serverless framework. |
External Sns Events - serverless-plugin-external-sns-events by silvermine Add ability for functions to use existing or external SNS topics as an event source |
Externals Plugin - serverless-externals-plugin by hansottowirtz Only include listed node modules and their dependencies in Serverless, with support for Rollup and Webpack |
Fargate Tasks - serverless-fargate-tasks by svdgraaf A plugin to run fargate tasks as part of your Serverless project |
Fastdeploy - serverless-plugin-fastdeploy by aronim Serverless Plugin to perform fast deployments for large service packages. |
Finch - serverless-finch by fernando-mc A Serverless plugin to deploy static website assets to AWS S3. |
Fullstack - fullstack-serverless by MadSkills-io A Serverless plugin to create an AWS CloudFront distribution that serves static web content from S3 and routes API traffic to API Gateway. |
Function Gateway - serverless-function-gateway by KennethWussmann Publish AWS Lambda functions to selfhosted function-gateway. |
Function Outputs - serverless-function-outputs by RogerBarreto Adds function Name and ARN outputs without version suffix |
Functions Base Path - serverless-functions-base-path by kevinrambaud Easily define a base path where your serverless functions are located. |
Git Variables - serverless-plugin-git-variables by jacob-meacham A Serverless plugin to expose git variables (branch name, HEAD description, full commit hash) to your serverless services |
Go - go-serverless by thepauleh GoFormation for Serverless. Create serverless configs with Go Structs. |
Go Build - serverless-go-build by sean9keenan Build go source files (or public functions) using yml definition file |
Google Cloudfunctions - serverless-google-cloudfunctions by serverless This plugin enables support for Google Cloud Functions within the Serverless Framework. |
Graphiql - serverless-plugin-graphiql by bencooling A Serverless plugin to run a local http server for graphiql and your graphql handler |
Gulp - serverless-gulp by rhythminme A thin task wrapper around @goserverless that allows you to automate build, test and deploy tasks using gulp |
Haskell - serverless-haskell by seek-oss Deploying Haskell applications to AWS Lambda with Serverless |
Hooks - serverless-hooks by jlopez Run npm scripts on serverless hook events |
Hooks Plugin - serverless-hooks-plugin by uswitch Run arbitrary commands on any lifecycle event in serverless |
Http - serverless-http by dougmoscrop Use your existing middleware framework (e.g. Express, Koa) in AWS Lambda |
Http Invoker - serverless-http-invoker by activescott Locally invoke Serverless functions via their HTTP event as specified in Serverless.yml. It makes it easy to test not only your handler logic, but also ensures that you have your http events setup properly in serverless.yml without deploying. |
Iam Checker - serverless-plugin-iam-checker by manwaring Helps automate security controls by preventing overly broad IAM permissions via customizable rules for both actions and resource references. Ships with restrictive defaults and supports custom rule configurations via serverless.yml and environment variables |
Iam Roles Per Function - serverless-iam-roles-per-function by functionalone Serverless Plugin for easily defining IAM roles per function via the use of iamRoleStatements at the function level. |
Ifelse - serverless-plugin-ifelse by anantab A Serverless Plugin to write If Else conditions in serverless YAML file |
Ignore - serverless-ignore by nya1 Serverless plugin to ignore files (.slsignore) |
Import Apigateway - serverless-import-apigateway by mikesouza Dynamically import an existing AWS API Gateway into your Serverless stack |
Import Config Plugin - serverless-import-config-plugin by KrysKruk Import YAML files in serverless.yaml config file |
Include Dependencies - serverless-plugin-include-dependencies by dougmoscrop This is a Serverless plugin that should make your deployed functions smaller. |
Ini Env - serverless-ini-env by agutoli Nice Serverless plugin to setup environment variables with ini file |
Inject Dependencies - serverless-plugin-inject-dependencies by loanmarket Painlessly deploy serverless projects with only the required dependencies. |
Introspect - serverless-introspect by jlopez Introspect serverless internals to aid plugin development |
Iopipe - serverless-plugin-iopipe by iopipe See inside your Lambda functions with high fidelity metrics and monitoring. |
Iopipe Layers - serverless-iopipe-layers by iopipe Monitor, observe and profile your AWS Lambda functions without a code change |
Iot Local - serverless-iot-local by tradle AWS Iot events with serverless-offline |
Iot Offline - serverless-iot-offline by mitipi Serverless plugin that emulates AWS IoT service |
Jest Plugin - serverless-jest-plugin by SC5 A Serverless Plugin for the Serverless Framework which adds support for test-driven development using Jest |
Jetpack - serverless-jetpack by FormidableLabs A faster JavaScript packager for Serverless applications |
Justauthenticateme Plugin - serverless-justauthenticateme-plugin by CoalesceSoftware Use JustAuthenticateMe to easily authenticate users before hitting your lambdas |
Kms Grants - serverless-kms-grants by deep-security Create and revoke grants for AWS Lambda functions to use KMS keys. |
Kms Secrets - serverless-kms-secrets by SC5 Allows to easily encrypt and decrypt secrets using KMS from the serverless CLI |
Kubeless - serverless-kubeless by serverless Serverless plugin for deploying functions to Kubeless. |
Kubeless Offline - serverless-kubeless-offline by usefulio Simulates Kubeless NodeJS runtimes to run/call your functions offline using the Serverless Framework. |
Lambda Dead Letter - serverless-plugin-lambda-dead-letter by gmetzker A Serverless plugin that can configure a lambda with a dead letter queue or topic |
Lambda Layer Packager - serverless-lambda-layer-packager by bramhoven A Serverless plugin that allows you to maintain your normal project structure when developing Lambda Layers. |
Layer Manager - serverless-plugin-layer-manager by henhal Plugin for improved AWS Lambda layer management, including install hooks, export options and improved retain support |
Layers - serverless-layers by agutoli How to reduce drastically lambda size |
Local Dev Server - serverless-local-dev-server by DieProduktMacher Speeds up development of Alexa Skills, Chatbots and APIs by exposing your functions as local HTTP endpoints and mapping received events. |
Local Environment - serverless-local-environment by piercus Serverless plugin to set local environment variables and remote environment variable to different values |
Local Kinesis - serverless-local-kinesis by pidz-development Run a local kinesis and automatically fire events |
Local Proxy - serverless-local-proxy by serverless-local-proxy A highly composable plugin for Serverless that speeds up your local development workflow. |
Local Schedule - serverless-local-schedule by UnitedIncome Schedule AWS CloudWatch Event based invocations in local time(with DST support!) |
Localstack - serverless-localstack by LocalStack Serverless plugin for LocalStack - a fully functional local AWS cloud stack. Develop and test your cloud & Serverless apps offline! |
Log Filter Subscription - serverless-log-filter-subscription by schwamster This serverless plugin creates log filter subscription for all lambda functions configured in your projects serverless.yml |
Log Forwarding - serverless-log-forwarding by amplify-education Serverless plugin for forwarding CloudWatch logs to another Lambda function. |
Log Retention - serverless-plugin-log-retention by ArtificerEntertainment Control the retention of your serverless function's cloudwatch logs. |
Log Subscription - serverless-plugin-log-subscription by dougmoscrop Adds a CloudWatch LogSubscription for functions |
Lumigo - serverless-lumigo by lumigo-io Serverless monitoring and troubleshooting plugin to easily apply distributed tracing with Lumigo |
Manifest Plugin - serverless-manifest-plugin by DavidWells Generate manifest of api endpoints & stack outputs for consumption in other applications + service discovery |
Metric - serverless-plugin-metric by alex20465 Creates dynamically AWS metric-filter resources with custom patterns |
Mfa - mfa-serverless-plugin by alikian A simple plugin for deployment accounts with MFA |
Micro - serverless-micro by barstoolsports Plugin to help manage multiple micro services under one main service. |
Middleware - serverless-middleware by juanjoDiaz Serverless plugin to allow middleware handlers configured directly in serverless.yaml |
Migrate Plugin - serverless-migrate-plugin by EliuX Allows to create and run migrations using the serverless context |
Mocha Plugin - serverless-mocha-plugin by SC5 A Serverless Plugin for the Serverless Framework which adds support for test-driven development using Mocha |
Modular - serverless-modular by aa2kb Helps you deploy and manage multiple features with single root serverless file |
Modularize - serverless-plugin-modularize by icarus-sullivan Modularize your serverless definitions |
Monorepo - serverless-plugin-monorepo by Butterwire A serverless plugin that allows use of serverless in a mono repo. Avoids needing to use nohoist by automatic symlinking of all dependencies. |
Multi Dotnet - serverless-multi-dotnet by tsibelman A serverless plugin to pack C# lambdas functions that are spread to multiple CS projects. |
Multi Region Plugin - serverless-multi-region-plugin by unbill A plugin for setting up a serverless API in AWS with turnkey multi-region failover |
Multiple Responses - serverless-plugin-multiple-responses by silvermine Enable multiple content-types for Response template |
Mysql - serverless-mysql by jeremydaly A module for managing MySQL connections at SERVERLESS scale |
Nested Stack - serverless-nested-stack by jagdish-176 A plugin to Workaround for Cloudformation 200 resource limit |
Newman - serverless-plugin-newman by rawphp A serverless plugin for newman. |
Nextjs Plugin - serverless-nextjs-plugin by danielcondemarin Deploy serverless next apps with ease |
Ngrok Tunnel - serverless-ngrok-tunnel by mitipi Serverless plugin that creates ngrok public tunnel on localhost |
Node Shim - serverless-plugin-node-shim by jzimmek Serverless plugin to run your functions in nodejs version (8 LTS, 9+) on aws lambda |
Oauth Scopes - serverless-oauth-scopes by birdcatcher A serverless plugin to set OAuth Scopes on APIGateway methods |
Offline - serverless-offline by dherault Emulate AWS λ and API Gateway locally when developing your Serverless project |
Offline Cfstrip - serverless-offline-cfstrip by jlopez Strip CloudFormation serverless variables when running in offline mode |
Offline Direct Lambda - serverless-offline-direct-lambda by civicteam Allow offline direct lambda-to-lambda interactions by exposing lambdas with no API Gateway event via HTTP. |
Offline Dynamodb Stream - serverless-plugin-offline-dynamodb-stream by orchestrated-io Serverless Plugin for emulating dynamodb stream triggering lambda functions offline |
Offline Edge Lambda - serverless-offline-edge-lambda by evolv-ai A plugin for the Serverless Framework that simulates the behavior of AWS CloudFront Edge Lambdas while developing offline |
Offline Http Mock - serverless-offline-http-mock by pianomansam Create mock responses to HTTP(S) requests for local development |
Offline Kinesis - serverless-offline-kinesis by CoorpAcademy This Serverless-offline-kinesis plugin emulates AWS λ and Kinesis streams on your local machine. |
Offline Kinesis Events - serverless-plugin-offline-kinesis-events by DopplerLabs Plugin that works with serverless-offline to allow offline testing of serverless functions that are triggered by Kinesis events. |
Offline Local Authorizers Plugin - serverless-offline-local-authorizers-plugin by nlang Serverless plugin for adding and mocking local authorizers when developing locally with serverless-offline. |
Offline Python - serverless-offline-python by alhazmy13 Emulate AWS λ and API Gateway locally when developing your Serverless project |
Offline Schedule - serverless-offline-schedule by Meemaw Emulate schedule events locally when developing your Serverless project |
Offline Scheduler - serverless-offline-scheduler by ajmath Runs scheduled functions offline while integrating with serverless-offline |
Offline Sns - serverless-offline-sns by mj1618 Serverless plugin to run a local SNS server and call serverless SNS handlers with events notifications. |
Offline Ssm - serverless-offline-ssm by janders223 Read SSM parameters from a .env file instead of AWS |
Oncall - serverless-oncall by softprops Easily manage oncall for your serverless services |
Openapi Documentation - serverless-openapi-documentation by temando Serverless 1.0 plugin to generate OpenAPI V3 documentation from serverless configuration |
Openapi Plugin - serverless-openapi-plugin by jaumard Serverless plugin to generate serverless API architecture from OpenAPI definition. |
Openwhisk - serverless-openwhisk by serverless Adds Apache OpenWhisk support to the Serverless Framework! |
Optimize - serverless-plugin-optimize by FidelLimited Bundle with Browserify, transpile with Babel to ES5 and minify with Uglify your Serverless functions. |
Package Common - serverless-package-common by onlicar Deploy microservice Python Serverless services with common code |
Package Customizer - serverless-package-customizer by horike37 This allows you to customize packaging system of the Serverless Framework from a command line. |
Package Dotenv File - serverless-plugin-package-dotenv-file by ACloudGuru A Serverless plugin to copy a .env file into the serverless package |
Package External - serverless-package-external by epsagon A Serverless plugin to add external folders to the deploy package |
Package Location Customizer - serverless-package-location-customizer by cipri-p A serverless plugin to allow custom S3Bucket and S3Key path when packaging Lambda Functions and Layers. |
Package Python Functions - serverless-package-python-functions by ubaniabalogun Packaging Python Lambda functions with only the dependencies/requirements they need. |
Parameters - serverless-parameters by svdgraaf Add parameters to the generated cloudformation templates |
Parcel - serverless-parcel by johnagan A Serverless plugin to bundle your functions and assets with Parcel Bundler |
Parcel - serverless-plugin-parcel by threadheap Serverless Parcel plugin with watch mode and serverless-offline support |
Parent - serverless-plugin-parent by aronim Serverless Plugin that allows you to keep common configuration in a parent serverless.yml |
Print Dots - serverless-print-dots by amirklick A Serverless plugin for printing dots in Serverless log during deployment to indicate progress and prevent timeouts in CI/CD platforms. |
Print Resolved Plugin - serverless-print-resolved-plugin by neverendingqs Generate a copy of serverless.yml with all variables resolved. |
Provider Groups - serverless-plugin-provider-groups by loanmarket A plugin to allow management of grouped settings within large serverless projects. |
Prune Plugin - serverless-prune-plugin by claygregory Deletes old versions of functions from AWS, preserving recent and aliased versions |
Pseudo Parameters - serverless-pseudo-parameters by svdgraaf Use ${AWS::AccountId} and other cloudformation pseudo parameters in your serverless.yml values |
Pubsub - serverless-plugin-pubsub by fivepapertigers Simple pub/sub configuration with queueing for the Serverless Framework |
Puresec Cli - serverless-puresec-cli by puresec Serverless Plugin for magically creating IAM roles that are least privileged per function. |
Python Individually - serverless-python-individually by cfchou A serverless framework plugin to install multiple lambda functions written in python |
Python Requirements - serverless-python-requirements by UnitedIncome Serverless plugin to bundle Python packages |
Rack - serverless-rack by logandk Serverless plugin to deploy Ruby Rack applications (Sinatra/Padrino/Cuba etc.) |
Raml - raml-serverless by andrewcurioso Serverless plugin to work with RAML API spec documents |
Reducer - serverless-plugin-reducer by medikoo Reduce Node.js lambda package so it contains only lambda dependencies |
Registry - serverless-plugin-registry by aronim Serverless plugin to register function names with AWS SSM Parameter Store. |
Reqvalidator Plugin - serverless-reqvalidator-plugin by RafPe Serverless plugin to add request validator to API Gateway methods |
Resource Policy - serverless-resource-policy by HubSpotWebTeam Creates a whitelist of IP or CIDR addresses using serverless resource policies |
Resource Tagging - serverless-plugin-resource-tagging by ilayanambi86 Plugin to support stackTags based AWS resource tagging and APIGateway tagging. |
Resources Env - serverless-resources-env by rurri After Deploy, this plugin fetches cloudformation resource identifiers and sets them on AWS lambdas, and creates local .-env file |
Ruby Package - serverless-ruby-package by joshuaflanagan Improves packaging and deploying gems for Ruby services |
Run Function Plugin - serverless-run-function-plugin by lithin Run serverless function locally |
Rust - serverless-rust by softprops Deploy Rustlang applications to AWS Lambda |
S3 Deploy - serverless-s3-deploy by funkybob Plugin for serverless to deploy files to a variety of S3 Buckets |
S3 Encryption - serverless-s3-encryption by tradle Set or remove the encryption settings on your s3 buckets |
S3 Local - serverless-s3-local by ar90n A serverless plugin to run a S3 clone on your local machine |
S3 Remover - serverless-s3-remover by sinofseven A serverless plugin to make s3 buckets empty before deleting cloudformation stack when sls remove |
S3 Sync - serverless-s3-sync by k1LoW A plugin to sync local directories and S3 prefixes for Serverless Framework, |
S3bucket Sync - serverless-s3bucket-sync by sbstjn Sync a local folder with a S3 bucket after sls deploy |
Sam - serverless-sam by SAPessi Exports an AWS SAM template for a service created with the Serverless Framework. |
Scheduled Functions - serverless-scheduled-functions by reactor-studio Schedule your serverless functions |
Scriptable Plugin - serverless-scriptable-plugin by weixu365 Customize Serverless behavior without writing a plugin. |
Scripts - serverless-plugin-scripts by mvila Add scripting capabilities to the Serverless Framework |
Secret Baker - serverless-secret-baker by vacasaoss A Serverless Framework Plugin for secure, performant, and deterministic secret management. |
Select - serverless-plugin-select by FidelLimited Select which functions are to be deployed based on region and stage. |
Sentry - serverless-sentry by arabold Automatic monitoring of memory usage, execution timeouts and forwarding of Lambda errors to Sentry ( |
Sequelize Migrations - serverless-sequelize-migrations by manelferreira Manage Sequelize migrations on your serverless project |
Shell - serverless-shell by UnitedIncome Drop to a runtime shell with all the environment variables set that you'd have in lambda. |
Simulate - serverless-plugin-simulate by gertjvr Simulate AWS Lambda and API Gateway locally using Docker |
Sns Filter - serverless-sns-filter by MechanicalRock Serverless plugin to add SNS Subscription Filters to events |
Spa - serverless-spa by gilmarsquinelato Serverless plugin to deploy your website to AWS S3 using Webpack to bundle it. |
Split Stacks - serverless-plugin-split-stacks by dougmoscrop Migrate certain resources to nested stacks |
Sqs Alarms Plugin - serverless-sqs-alarms-plugin by sbstjn Wrapper to setup CloudWatch Alarms on SQS queue length |
Sqs Fifo - serverless-sqs-fifo by vortarian A serverless plugin to handle creation of sqs fifo queue's in aws (stop-gap) |
Ssm Fetch - serverless-ssm-fetch by gozup Sets "AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store (SSM)" parameters into functions' environment variables. |
Stack Config - serverless-plugin-stack-config by rawphp A serverless plugin to manage configurations for a stack across micro-services. |
Stack Output - serverless-stack-output by sbstjn Store output from your AWS CloudFormation Stack in JSON/YAML/TOML files, or to pass it to a JavaScript function for further processing. |
Stack Outputs - serverless-plugin-stack-outputs by svdgraaf Displays stack outputs for your serverless stacks when sls info is ran |
Stack Termination Protection - serverless-stack-termination-protection by miguel-a-calles-mba Serverless plugin to update the CloudFormation stack termination protection. |
Stackstorm - serverless-plugin-stackstorm by StackStorm Reusable Functions from StackStorm Exchange |
Stage Manager - serverless-stage-manager by jeremydaly Super simple Serverless plugin for validating stage names before deployment |
Stage Variables - serverless-plugin-stage-variables by svdgraaf Add stage variables for Serverless 1.x to ApiGateway, so you can use variables in your Lambda's |
Staging - serverless-plugin-staging by icarus-sullivan A plugin to restrict the deployment of resources or functions on a per stage basis |
Static - serverless-plugin-static by a-pavlenko Serving static files locally with serverless-offline or a standalone command |
Static - serverless-static by iliasbhal Easily serve files from a folder while developing on localhost with the serverless-offline plugin |
Step Functions - serverless-step-functions by horike37 AWS Step Functions with Serverless Framework. |
Step Functions Offline - serverless-step-functions-offline by vkkis93 Emulate step functions locally when developing your Serverless project |
Sthree Env - serverless-sthree-env by StyleTributeIT Serverless plugin to get config from a json formatted file in S3 and copy them to environment variable |
Subscription Filter - serverless-plugin-subscription-filter by tsub A serverless plugin to register AWS CloudWatchLogs subscription filter |
Subscription Filter - serverless-subscription-filter by blackevil245 Serverless plugin to register subscription filter for Lambda logs. Register and pipe the logs of one lambda to another to process. |
Tables - serverless-plugin-tables by chris-feist Easily configure table resources, such as DynamoDB |
Tag Api Gateway - serverless-tag-api-gateway by gfragoso Serverless plugin to tag API Gateway |
Tag Cloud Watch Logs - serverless-plugin-tag-cloud-watch-logs by pretty-fun-therapy Small serverless plugin providing a way to add tags to CloudWatch resources |
Tag Cloud Watch Logs - serverless-tag-cloud-watch-logs by gfragoso Serverless plugin to tag CloudWatchLogs |
Tag Sns Topic - serverless-tag-sns-topic by inokappa Serverless plugin to tag SNS Topic |
Tag Sqs - serverless-tag-sqs by gfragoso Serverless plugin to tag SQS - Simple Queue Service |
Tagsns - serverless-plugin-tagsns by ManoManoTech Serverless plugin to add Tags to SNS Topics |
Tencent Scf - serverless-tencent-scf by tencentyun Serverless framework provider plugin for Tencent SCF(Serverless Cloud Function) |
Tesseract - serverless-tesseract by Suor Add Tesseract OCR Engine to your build. |
Test Helper - serverless-plugin-test-helper by manwaring Makes it easier to end-to-end test deployed deployed services by saving CloudFormation Stack Outputs locally and exposing values via a simple Node.js library |
Tracer - serverless-plugin-tracer by enykeev Trace serverless hooks as they execute |
Tracing - serverless-plugin-tracing by alex-murashkin Enables AWS X-Ray ( for the entire Serverless stack or individual functions. |
Transpiler - serverless-plugin-transpiler by medikoo Transpile lambda files during packaging step |
Typescript - serverless-plugin-typescript by graphcool Serverless plugin for zero-config Typescript support. |
Typescript Express - serverless-plugin-typescript-express by eliasjcjunior Serverless plugin Typescript support with express integration |
Typetalk - serverless-plugin-typetalk by is2ei Sends notification to Typetalk |
Utils - serverless-plugin-utils by icarus-sullivan A collection of serverless framework utilities |
Vault Plugin - serverless-vault-plugin by Rondineli A Serverless plugin to retrieve passwords from vault and encrypt to kms |
Vault V2 - serverless-plugin-vault-v2 by eliasjcjunior Simplify integration between serverless and vault to storage environments variables |
Version Tracker - serverless-version-tracker by danepowell A serverless plugin for tracking deployed versions of your code. |
Vpc Discovery - serverless-vpc-discovery by amplify-education Serverless plugin for discovering VPC / Subnet / Security Group configuration by name. |
Vpc Eni Cleanup - serverless-plugin-vpc-eni-cleanup by medikoo Automatic cleanup of VPC network interfaces on stage removal |
Vpc Plugin - serverless-vpc-plugin by smoketurner Serverless plugin to create a VPC |
Warmup - serverless-plugin-warmup by FidelLimited Keep your lambdas warm during Winter. |
Webpack - serverless-plugin-webpack by goldwasserexchange A serverless plugin to automatically bundle your functions individually with webpack |
Webpack - serverless-webpack by serverless-heaven Serverless plugin to bundle your lambdas with Webpack |
Websockets Plugin - serverless-websockets-plugin by serverless Websocket support for Serverless Framework on AWS |
Workspaces Plugin - serverless-workspaces-plugin by sergioramos Resolve and Symlink hoisted dependencies when individually packaging each function |
Write Env Vars - serverless-plugin-write-env-vars by silvermine Write environment variables out to a file that is compatible with dotenv |
Wsgi - serverless-wsgi by logandk Serverless plugin to deploy WSGI applications (Flask/Django/Pyramid etc.) and bundle Python packages |