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Merge commit '0ba788b3a9b0978467f05aebe9de374b90af3d6c' into current

* commit '0ba788b3a9b0978467f05aebe9de374b90af3d6c': (124 commits)
  Chore: update donation QR codes
  [release] 2.4.0
  [build] 2.4.0
  Chore: fix (ElemeFE#11379)
  Changelog: update for 2.4.0 (ElemeFE#11378)
  Tree: fix markNodeData error when data is falsy (ElemeFE#11376)
  MessageBox: remove hidden class when using MessageBox twice (ElemeFE#11371)
  Table: retain currently selected row when sorting the table. (ElemeFE#11348)
  Tooltip: add min-width (ElemeFE#11335)
  Radio & Checkbox: replace cubic-bezier with ease-in (ElemeFE#11331)
  Autocomplete: fix suggestions data bug (ElemeFE#11323)
  Table: support manually sorting. Resolves ElemeFE#9495 (ElemeFE#11311)
  Radio: support switching radio with keyborard in ff. Fixes ElemeFE#8198 (ElemeFE#11325)
  Table: fix oversized filter list. Resolves ElemeFE#11314 (ElemeFE#11320)
  add support of tab penl lazy render(ElemeFE#11022) (ElemeFE#11167)
  ColorPicker: prevent active-change event when picker is closed (ElemeFE#11304)
  InputNumber: add precision attribute (ElemeFE#11281)
  Radio: prevent changing value when radio is disabled. resolves ElemeFE#11296 (ElemeFE#11303)
  Upload: fix Error when `beforeUpload` hook return promise of file object (ElemeFE#11297)
  Button: circle button supports size (ElemeFE#11275)

# Conflicts:
#	.gitignore
#	build/bin/version.js
#	build/cooking.common.js
#	build/cooking.demo.js
#	build/
#	build/
#	examples/docs/en-US/
#	examples/docs/es/
#	examples/docs/zh-CN/
#	examples/versions.json
#	package.json
#	packages/input/src/input.vue
#	packages/table/src/table-body.js
#	packages/table/src/table-store.js
#	packages/theme-chalk/package.json
#	src/index.js
#	yarn.lock
  • Loading branch information
bluejfox committed May 29, 2018
2 parents 203a9c6 + 0ba788b commit e3d7e0e
Show file tree
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Showing 170 changed files with 3,337 additions and 1,832 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .travis.yml
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sudo: false
language: node_js
node_js: stable
node_js: lts/*
- export CHROME_BIN=chromium-browser
- export DISPLAY=:99.0
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@@ -1,5 +1,104 @@
## Changelog

### 2.4.0 Fullerene


#### New features
- General
- Dev tool and bundler is switched to native webpack, #11216
- Now you can globally set the initial z-index of popups, #11257
- Autocomplete
- Added `hide-loading` attribute, #11260
- Button
- Now you can use the `size` attribute on circle buttons to control their sizes, #11275
- InputNumber
- Added `precision` attribute, #11281
- Tabs
- Added `before-leave` attribute, #11259
- Added `lazy` attribute, #11167(by @Kingwl
- Table
- Added `sort` method to manually sort the table, #11311

#### Bug fixes
- Input
- Fixed an issue that causes a re-render when using the Chinese IME to quickly input text, #11235 (by @STLighter)
- Popover
- Fixed the console error when the triggering element is Radio or Checkbox, #11265
- Breadcrumb
- Fixed the `to` attribute not supporting dynamic update, #11286
- Upload
- Fixed the console error when a File is resolved in the returned Promise of the `beforeUpload` method, #11297 (by @qusiba)
- Tooltip
- Fixed arrow not positioned correctly when content is empty, #11335
- Autocomplete
- Fixed incorrect input suggestions after deleting keyword quickly, #11323
- ColorPicker
- Fixed `active-change` event incorrectly triggering when picker dropdown is closed, #11304
- Table
- Fixed style error of oversized filter panel, #11314
- Fixed currently selected row not retained when the table is sorted, #11348
- Checkbox
- Fixed single checkbox not supporting validation, #11271
- Radio
- Fixed disabled Radio still being selected when pressing space key, #11303
- MessageBox
- Fixed the `el-popup-parent--hidden` class not removed when opening MessageBox in succession, #11371

### 2.3.9


- Fixed when the source data does not have the field specified by a TableColumn's `prop` attribute, an error would occur when the mouse moves into that column's cells, #11137
- The `lockScroll` attribute of pop up components no longer adds an inline style to the parent element, but instead adds a class name, #11114
- Fixed the icon of Progress not displaying when its `status` is exception, #11172
- Fixed options' `disabled` attribute not working in filterable Cascader's filter result list, #11185
- Fixed an issue where Table's expanded row cannot be collapsed if the data source is updated after its expansion, #11186
- `setCurrentKey` of Tree now accepts `null` as its param to cancel the currently highlighted node, #11205

### 2.3.8


- Fixed DatePicker panel jumping to the current month after picking a date in a non-current month when `type` is dates, #10973
- Fixed clearable Input still displaying the clear icon when readonly, #10912
- Fixed closing the DatePicker panel without changing the value incorrectly triggering the `change` event, #11017
- Fixed keyboard navigation not working properly when Select has grouped options, #11058
- Added `prefix` named slot for Select, #11063
- Added 'clearValidate` method for FormItem, #11076
- Added `checkOnClickNode` attribute for Tree, #11111

### 2.3.7


- Fixed Table not updating its header widths when the scroll bar disappears due to filtering, #10834
- Fixed clearable Input still showing the clear icon when its initial value is `null`, #10912
- Fixed incorrect trigger of the `active-change` event after changing ColorPicker's binding value programatically, #10903 (by @zhangbobell)
- Fixed filterable Select causing an infinite loop when navigating options using keyboard if all options are disabled, #10945

### 2.3.6


- Fixed wrong behavior of Tree's `allow-drop` callback when `type` parameter is used, #10821
- Now you can properly enter keywords in filterable single Select in IE11, #10822
- Fixed single Select incorrectly triggering `blur` event after clicking an option, #10822

### 2.3.5


- Fixed incorrect highlights in DatePicker panel when `type` is week, #10712
- Fixed InputNumber being empty when its initial value is 0, #10714
- Added `automatic-dropdown` attribute for Select, #10042 (by @Seebiscuit)
- Fixed disabled Rate's value still being updated by navigation keys, #10726 (by @Richard-Choooou)
- Now DatePicker's `type` attribute can be `'dates'`, where you can pick multiple dates in one picker, #10650 (by @Mini256)
- Added `prev-click` and `next-click` events for Pagination, #10755
- Added `pager-count` attribute for Pagination, #10493 (by @chongjohn716)
- Added `type` as the 3rd param of Tree's `allow-drop` attribute callback, #10792
- Now we use ResizeObserver to detect DOM element resizing, #10779

### 2.3.4

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99 changes: 99 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,5 +1,104 @@
## Changelog

### 2.4.0 Fullerene


#### New features
- General
- Dev tool and bundler is switched to native webpack, #11216
- Now you can globally set the initial z-index of popups, #11257
- Autocomplete
- Added `hide-loading` attribute, #11260
- Button
- Now you can use the `size` attribute on circle buttons to control their sizes, #11275
- InputNumber
- Added `precision` attribute, #11281
- Tabs
- Added `before-leave` attribute, #11259
- Added `lazy` attribute, #11167(by @Kingwl
- Table
- Added `sort` method to manually sort the table, #11311

#### Bug fixes
- Input
- Fixed an issue that causes a re-render when using the Chinese IME to quickly input text, #11235 (by @STLighter)
- Popover
- Fixed the console error when the triggering element is Radio or Checkbox, #11265
- Breadcrumb
- Fixed the `to` attribute not supporting dynamic update, #11286
- Upload
- Fixed the console error when a File is resolved in the returned Promise of the `beforeUpload` method, #11297 (by @qusiba)
- Tooltip
- Fixed arrow not positioned correctly when content is empty, #11335
- Autocomplete
- Fixed incorrect input suggestions after deleting keyword quickly, #11323
- ColorPicker
- Fixed `active-change` event incorrectly triggering when picker dropdown is closed, #11304
- Table
- Fixed style error of oversized filter panel, #11314
- Fixed currently selected row not retained when the table is sorted, #11348
- Checkbox
- Fixed single checkbox not supporting validation, #11271
- Radio
- Fixed disabled Radio still being selected when pressing space key, #11303
- MessageBox
- Fixed the `el-popup-parent--hidden` class not removed when opening MessageBox in succession, #11371

### 2.3.9


- Corregido que cuando los datos de origen no tenian el campo especificado por el atributo `prop` de una TableColumn, se producía un error al moverse el ratón dentro de las celdas de esa columna, #11137.
- El atributo `lockScroll` de los componentes pop-up ya no añade un inline style al elemento padre, sino que añade un nombre de clase, #1111114.
- Arreglado el icono de Progreso que no se mostraba cuando su `status` era `exception`, #11172
- El atributo `disabled` no funcionaba en la lista de resultados del filtro de Cascader, #11185
- Se ha corregido un problema por el que la fila expandida de la Tabla no se podía contraer si los datos de origen se actualizaban después de su expansión, #11186.
- `setCurrentKey` de Tree ahora acepta `null` como parámetro para cancelar el nodo actualmente resaltado, #11205

### 2.3.8


- Corregido que el panel DatePicker saltaba al mes actual después de escoger una fecha en un mes diferente cuando el tipo era `dates`, #10973
- Arreglado que el `clearable Input` seguía mostrando el icono de borrado cuando era sólo de lectura, #10912
- Arreglado que al cerrar el panel DatePicker sin modificar el valor se desencadenaba incorrectamente el evento `change`, #11017
- Arreglado que la navegación por el teclado no funcionaba correctamente cuando Select tenia opciones agrupadas, #11058
- Agregado el `slot named` `prefix` para Select, #11063
- Agregado el metodo `clearValidate` para FormItem, #11076
- Agregado el atributo `checkOnClickNode` para Tree, #11111

### 2.3.7


- Corregido que Table no actualizaba el ancho de encabezado cuando la barra de desplazamiento desaparecia debido al filtrado, #10834
- Corregido input borrable que mostraba el icono de borrado cuando su valor inicial era `nulo`, #10912
- Corregido el disparador incorrecto del evento `active-change` después de cambiar el valor enlazado de ColorPicker programáticamente, #10903 (por @zhangbobell)
- Corregido filterable Select que causaba un bucle infinito al navegar por las opciones usando el teclado si todas las opciones estában deshabilitadas, #10945

### 2.3.6


- Corregido el comportamiento incorrecto del callback `allow-drop` de Tree cuando se usaba el parámetro `type`, #10821
- Ahora puede introducir correctamente las palabras clave en filterable Single Select en IE11, #10822
- Corregido Single Select activaba incorrectamente el evento `blur` después de hacer clic en una opción, #10822

### 2.3.5


- Arreglado los incorrectos realces en el panel de DatePicker cuando `type` es week, #10712
- Arreglado que InputNumber comenzaba vacio cuando el valor inicial era 0, #10714
- Agregado el atributo `automatic-dropdown` para Select, #10042 (by @Seebiscuit)
- Arreglado que el valor del Rate pasaba a `disabled` cuando se comenzaba a actualizar con las teclas de navegacion, #10726 (by @Richard-Choooou)
- Ahora el atributo `type` de DatePicker's puede ser `'dates'`, donde puede elegir varias fechas en un solo picker, #10650 (by @Mini256)
- Agregados los eventos `prev-click` y `next-click` para Pagination, #10755
- Agregado el atributo `pager-count` para Pagination, #10493 (by @chongjohn716)
- Agregado `type` como 3rd parametro del atributo `allow-drop` de Tree, #10792
- Ahora usamos ResizeObserver para detectar el redimensionamiento de elementos DOM, #10779

### 2.3.4

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89 changes: 89 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,5 +1,94 @@
## 更新日志

### 1.4.0

同步至Element-UI 2.4.0版本
#### 新特性

- 综合
- 使用原生 webpack 作为构建和打包工具,#11216
- 可以全局配置弹出层的初始 z-index,#11257
- Autocomplete
- 新增 `hide-loading` 属性,#11260
- Button
- 现在圆形按钮也支持通过 `size` 属性改变其尺寸了,#11275
- DatePicker
- 现在 `type` 属性可以接收 `'dates'`,用于选择多个日期,#10650(by @Mini256
- FormItem
- 新增 `clearValidate` 方法,#11076
- InputNumber
- 新增 `precision` 属性,#11281
- Pagination
- 新增 `prev-click``next-click` 事件,#10755
- 新增 `pager-count` 属性,#10493(by @chongjohn716
- Select
- 新增 `prefix` 具名 slot,#11063
- 新增 `automatic-dropdown` 属性,#10042(by @Seebiscuit
- Table
- 新增 `sort` 方法,支持手动排序,#11311
- Tabs
- 新增 `before-leave` 钩子,#11259
- 新增 `lazy` 属性,#11167(by @Kingwl
- Tree
- `setCurrentKey` 方法支持传入 `null`,可取消当前高亮的节点,#11205
- `checkOnClickNode` 属性,#11111
- 新增 `type` 作为 Tree 的 `allow-drop` 属性回调的第三个参数,#10792

#### 修复

- 综合
- 弹出类组件的 `lockScroll` 属性不再为父元素添加内联样式,而是添加相应类名,#11114
- 改用 ResizeObserver 对元素的尺寸变化进行监测,#10779
- Autocomplete
- 修复在快速删除搜索内容后输入建议不正确的问题,#11323
- Breadcrumb
- 修复 `to` 属性不支持动态更新的问题,#11286
- Cascader
- 修复可搜索的 Cascader 在输入关键词后,选项的 `disabled` 属性失效的问题,#11185
- Checkbox
- 修复单个 Checkbox 不支持表单验证的问题,#11271
- ColorPicker
- 修复关闭选色器时触发 `active-change` 事件的问题,#11304
- 修复在通过代码改变 ColorPicker 的绑定值后错误地触发 `active-change` 事件的问题,#10903(by @zhangbobell
- DatePicker
- 修复 `type` 为 dates 的 DatePicker 在选择非当前月的日期后,面板会跳转至当前月的问题,#10973
- 修复范围选择的 DatePicker 在未改变值的情况下关闭下拉面板仍会触发 `change` 事件的问题,#11017
- 修复 DatePicker 的 `type` 为 week 时面板错误高亮的问题,#10712
- Input
- 修复使用中文输入法快速输入文字时会导致视图重新渲染的问题,#11235(by @STLighter
- 修复可清空的只读 Input 仍会显示清空图标的问题,#10912
- 修复可清空的 Input 在初始值为 `null` 时仍然显示清空图标的问题,#10912
- InputNumber
- 修复 InputNumber 初始值为 0 时输入框为空的问题,#10714
- MessageBox
- 修复连续打开两个 MessageBox 时 `el-popup-parent--hidden` 无法移除的问题,#11371
- Popover
- 修复当触发元素为 Radio 或 Checkbox 时控制台报错的问题,#11265
- Progress
- 修复在 `status` 为 exception 时图标不显示的问题,#11172
- Radio
- 修复通过空格可以选中被禁用的 Radio 的问题,#11303
- Rate
- 修复 `disabled` 的 Rate 仍能通过键盘左右键改变组件值的问题,#10726(by @Richard-Choooou
- Select
- 修复 Select 在有分组选项时不能正确通过键盘导航的问题,#11058
- 修复可搜索的 Select 在备选项均被禁用时,通过键盘导航会造成无限循环的问题,#10945
- 修复可搜索的单选 Select 在 IE11 中无法输入搜索关键词的问题,#10822
- 修复单选 Select 在使用鼠标选中某个选项后错误地触发 `blur` 事件的问题,#10822
- Tooltip
- 修复内容为空时箭头错位的问题,#11335
- Table
- 修复筛选列表过长导致样式超出的问题,#11314
- 修复排序后导致无法正常显示选中行样式的问题,#11348
- 修复当 TableColumn 的 `prop` 属性指定的字段在数据源中不存在时,鼠标移入该列单元格会报错的问题,#11137
- 修复可展开的 Table 在展开某一行后更新数据源会造成该行无法收起的问题,#11186
- 修复在由于筛选而使原有的滚动条消失后表头各列宽度未及时更新的问题,#10834
- Tree
- 修复 Tree 的 `allow-drop` 回调在使用 `type` 参数后的错误行为,#10821
- Upload
- 修复在 `beforeUpload` 方法返回的 Promise 中 resolve 一个 File 时控制台报错的问题,#11297(by @qusiba

### 1.3.4

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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**同步至Element-UI 2.3.4**
**同步至Element-UI 2.4.0**

基于Vue和Element UI,结合其他优秀组件库([Ant Design]([Material Deisgn](等),加速业务级应用页面开发。

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7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions build/bin/build-entry.js
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Expand Up @@ -29,8 +29,10 @@ const install = function(Vue, opts = {}) {
const ELEMENT = {};
ELEMENT.size = opts.size || '';
Vue.prototype.$SETARIA = {
size: opts.size || '',
zIndex: opts.zIndex || 2000
Vue.prototype.$loading = Loading.service;
Vue.prototype.$msgbox = MessageBox;
Expand All @@ -40,7 +42,6 @@ const install = function(Vue, opts = {}) {
Vue.prototype.$notify = Notification;
Vue.prototype.$message = Message;
Vue.prototype.$ELEMENT = ELEMENT;
/* istanbul ignore if */
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion build/bin/iconInit.js
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Expand Up @@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ nodes.forEach((node) => {

fs.writeFile(path.resolve(__dirname, '../../examples/icon.json'), JSON.stringify(classList));
fs.writeFile(path.resolve(__dirname, '../../examples/icon.json'), JSON.stringify(classList), () => {});
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion build/bin/version.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var version = process.env.VERSION || require('../../package.json').version;
var content = {};
if (!content[version]) content[version] = '1.3';
if (!content[version]) content[version] = '1.4';
fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, '../../examples/versions.json'), JSON.stringify(content));
22 changes: 0 additions & 22 deletions build/cooking.common.js

This file was deleted.


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