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Bug#56041: source code taken from the trunk, corrected and checked on…
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… simulated raw data and run 75661. The raw-data QA checker returns bad quality which is anyway true taking into account the QA code.
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cvetan committed Sep 24, 2009
1 parent e0df4b9 commit 065bf9d
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Showing 4 changed files with 410 additions and 262 deletions.
216 changes: 99 additions & 117 deletions T0/AliT0QAChecker.cxx
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Expand Up @@ -52,97 +52,105 @@


Double_t * AliT0QAChecker::Check(AliQAv1::ALITASK_t /*index*/)
Double_t * rv = new Double_t[AliRecoParam::kNSpecies] ;
for (Int_t specie = 0 ; specie < AliRecoParam::kNSpecies ; specie++)
rv[specie] = 0.0 ;
return rv ;

Double_t * AliT0QAChecker::Check(AliQAv1::ALITASK_t index,TObjArray ** list)
Double_t * AliT0QAChecker::Check(AliQAv1::ALITASK_t index, TObjArray ** list)

// Super-basic check on the QA histograms on the input list:
// look whether they are empty!

Double_t * test = new Double_t[AliRecoParam::kNSpecies] ;

char * detOCDBDir = Form("T0/%s/%s", AliQAv1::GetRefOCDBDirName(), AliQAv1::GetRefDataDirName()) ;

AliCDBEntry *QARefRec = AliQAManager::QAManager()->Get(detOCDBDir);
// QARefRec->Dump();
if( !QARefRec){
AliInfo("QA reference data NOT retrieved for Reconstruction check. No T0 reference distribution");

for (Int_t specie = 0 ; specie < AliRecoParam::kNSpecies ; specie++)
test[specie] = 10.0 ;

Double_t nent[250];
TString hname[250];
Double_t nent[500];
TString hname[500];
const char *cname;
Double_t w[250];
Double_t w[500];
TH2 *fhRecDiff[3];
TH2 *fhRawEff[250];
TH1 *fhRawEff[500];
TH2 *fhRawTime[500];
TH1 *fhESD[2];
TH2 *fhHits[10];

for (Int_t specie = 0 ; specie < AliRecoParam::kNSpecies ; specie++) {
// TString dataType = AliQAv1::GetAliTaskName(index);
if (list[specie]->GetEntries() == 0){
test[specie] = 1. ; // nothing to check
else {
TIter next(list[specie]) ;
TH1 * hdata ;
TH2 * h ;
// AliDebug(AliQAv1::GetQADebugLevel(), Form(" data type %i %s nentries %i\n",
// index,dataType.Data(),list->GetEntries()));
for (Int_t ir=0; ir<list[specie]->GetEntries(); ir++) {
if(index==0 ){
if(ir > 204 ) {
// else{
h = (TH2*) list[specie]->UncheckedAt(ir);
AliDebug(AliQAv1::GetQADebugLevel(), Form(" index %i ir %i \n", index,ir));
if(h) {
cname = h->GetName();
TH1 * hdata ;
TH2 * h ;
for (Int_t ir=0; ir<list[specie]->GetEntries(); ir++) {


if(index == AliQAv1::kSIM && AliQAv1::GetTaskName(AliQAv1::kHITS)){
h = (TH2*) list[specie]->UncheckedAt(ir);
cname = h->GetName();
hname[ir] = cname;
fhHits[ir] = h;

if(index == AliQAv1::kRAW ){
if(ir > 204 && ir<208 ) {
hdata = (TH1*) list[specie]->UncheckedAt(ir);
if(hdata) {
cname = hdata->GetName();
hname[ir] = cname;
AliDebug(AliQAv1::GetQADebugLevel(),Form("count %i %s \n",ir, hname[ir].Data())) ;
fhRawEff[ir] = h;
fhRawEff[ir] = hdata;

if((ir>207 && ir<210) && specie == 4) {
h = (TH2*) list[specie]->UncheckedAt(ir);
if(h) {
cname = h->GetName();
hname[ir] = cname;
fhRawTime[ir] = h;
AliDebug(AliQAv1::GetQADebugLevel(), Form("count %i %s ",ir, hname[ir].Data()) );
if(index == AliQAv1::kREC){
h = (TH2*) list[specie]->UncheckedAt(ir);
if(h) {
cname = h->GetName();
hname[ir] = cname;
// AliDebug(AliQAv1::GetQADebugLevel(), Form("count %i %s \n",ir, hname[ir].Data())) ;
fhRecDiff[ir] = h;
if(index == AliQAv1::kESD){
hdata = (TH1*) list[specie]->UncheckedAt(ir);
fhESD[ir] = hdata;
AliDebug(AliQAv1::GetQADebugLevel(), Form("count %i %s ",ir, hname[ir].Data()) );
//raw data
if (index == 0) test[specie] = CheckRaw(list[specie]/*,(TObjArray *)QARefRec->GetObject()*/);

//raw data

if (index == AliQAv1::kRAW && specie == 4){
test[specie] = CheckRaw(list[specie],dynamic_cast<TObjArray*>(dynamic_cast<TList *>(QARefRec->GetObject())->First()));

if(index == 2){
if(index == AliQAv1::kREC){
//rec points
for (Int_t icase=0; icase<2; icase++) {
for (Int_t idet=0; idet<24; idet++) {
Expand All @@ -166,7 +174,7 @@ Double_t * AliT0QAChecker::Check(AliQAv1::ALITASK_t index,TObjArray ** list)
if (index == 3) {
if (index == AliQAv1::kESD) {
for (Int_t icase=0; icase<2; icase++) {
Double_t rmsVertex = fhESD[icase]->GetRMS();
Expand All @@ -193,92 +201,66 @@ Double_t * AliT0QAChecker::Check(AliQAv1::ALITASK_t index,TObjArray ** list)

Double_t AliT0QAChecker::CheckRaw(TObjArray *listrec /*, TObjArray *listref*/) const
Double_t AliT0QAChecker::CheckRaw(TObjArray *listrec , TObjArray *listref) const

TH2 *fhRawEff;
// TH2 *fhRawRef;
// TIter next(listref) ;
// Int_t counter=0;
// Float_t refmean[50];
// Float_t refrms[50];
TH2 *fhRawRec2d;
TH2 *fhTime;

TIter next(listref) ;
Float_t refmean[50][25];
Float_t refrms[50][25];
Float_t checkr = 0;
// Int_t nref = listref->GetEntries();
// Int_t nrec = listrec->GetEntries();

cout<<" entries in ref "<<nref<<" in rec "<<nrec<<endl;
// for (Int_t iref=0; iref<nref; iref++){
while (fhRawRef = dynamic_cast<TH2 *>(next())) {
// fhRawRef->Dump();
// fhRawRef =(TH2*) listref->At(iref);
cout<<counter<<" hist "<<fhRawRef<<endl;
refmean[counter] = fhRawRef->GetMean(2);
cout<<counter<<" mean "<<refmean[counter]<<endl;
refrms[counter] = fhRawRef->GetRMS(2);
cout<<counter<<" rms "<<refrms[counter]<<endl;
cout<<" !!!!! reference "<<counter<<" "<<refmean[counter]<<" "<<refrms[counter]<<endl;
for (Int_t icase=205; icase<207; icase++) {
fhRawEff = (TH2*) listrec->At(icase);
for (Int_t idet=0; idet<24; idet++) {
Double_t mean = fhRawEff->
ProjectionY(Form("%s_py_%i_%i", fhRawEff->GetName(), idet,icase),
for (Int_t iii=4; iii<6; iii++){
fhRawRec2d =(TH2*) listref->At(iii);
for (Int_t idet=1; idet<25; idet++) {

refmean[iii-4][idet] = fhRawRec2d->
ProjectionY(Form("%s_py_%i_%i", fhRawRec2d ->GetName(), idet,iii-4),
Double_t rms= fhRawEff->

refrms[iii-4][idet] = fhRawRec2d->
fhRawEff->GetName(), idet,icase),
fhRawRec2d ->GetName(), idet,iii-4),
Form("name %s icase %i idet %i mean %f, rms %f\n",
fhRawEff->GetName(), icase, idet, mean,rms));
if (mean<1.2 && mean> 0.8 ) {
checkr = 1;
AliDebug(AliQAv1::GetQADebugLevel(), Form("All channels works meane efficieny %f with rms %f test %f", mean, rms, checkr)) ;
if (mean<=0.8 && mean>= 0.5 ){
checkr = 0.5;
Form("%s problem in channel %i efficieny %f test %f",
fhRawEff->GetName(), idet, mean,checkr )) ;

if (mean<0.5 ) {
checkr = 0.25;
Form("%s big problem in channel %i efficieny %f test %f",
fhRawEff->GetName(), idet, mean,checkr )) ;

TString nameDev[2] = {"CDF", "LED"};
for (Int_t icase=208; icase<210; icase++) {
fhRawEff = (TH2*) listrec->At(icase);

for (Int_t idet=0; idet<24; idet++) {
Double_t mean = fhRawEff->
ProjectionY(Form("%s_py_%i_%i", fhRawEff ->GetName(), idet,icase),
Double_t rms= fhRawEff ->
fhRawEff ->GetName(), idet,icase),

Form("name %s icase %i idet %i mean %f, rms %f\n",
fhRawEff->GetName(), icase, idet, mean,rms));
fhTime = (TH2*) listrec->At(icase);
for (Int_t idet=1; idet<25; idet++) {
Double_t binmean = fhTime->
ProjectionY(Form("%s_py_%i_%i", fhTime ->GetName(), idet,icase),
Double_t diffmean = binmean-refmean[icase-208][idet];

if (TMath::Abs(diffmean) < 2 ) {
checkr = 1;
// printf(" Laser calibration signal sits on its place %f for PMT %s %i : check = %f\n", diffmean, nameDev[icase-208].Data() ,idet, checkr);
Form(" Laser calibration signal sits on its place %f for PMT %s %i : check = %f\n", diffmean, nameDev[icase-208].Data(),idet, checkr)) ;
if (TMath::Abs(diffmean) <= 5 && TMath::Abs(diffmean) >= 2 ){
checkr = 0.5;
// printf(" Laser calibration signal shifted by %f ps for PMT %s %i : check = %f\n", diffmean*24.4, nameDev[icase-208].Data(),idet, checkr);
Form(" Laser calibration signal shifted by %f ps (%f channels) for PMT %s %i : check = %f\n", diffmean*24.4 ,diffmean , nameDev[icase-208].Data(),idet, checkr)) ;
if (TMath::Abs(diffmean) > 5) {
checkr = 0.25;
// printf(" Big problems :laser calibration signal shifted by %f ps (%f channels) for PMT %s %i : check = %f\n", diffmean*24.4, diffmean, nameDev[icase-208].Data(),idet, checkr);
Form(" Big problems :laser calibration signal shifted by %f ps (%f channels) for PMT %s %i : check = %i\n", diffmean*24.4, diffmean, nameDev[icase-208].Data(),idet, checkr)) ;




return checkr;

5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions T0/AliT0QAChecker.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,9 +29,10 @@ class AliT0QAChecker: public AliQACheckerBase {
AliT0QAChecker(const AliT0QAChecker& qac) : AliQACheckerBase(qac.GetName(), qac.GetTitle()) {;} // cpy ctor
// dtor
virtual ~AliT0QAChecker() {;}
Double_t CheckRaw(TObjArray *listrec /*, TObjArray *listref*/) const ;
Double_t CheckRaw(TObjArray *listrec , TObjArray *listref) const ;
virtual Double_t * Check(AliQAv1::ALITASK_t) ;
virtual Double_t * Check(AliQAv1::ALITASK_t index)
{ return AliQACheckerBase::Check(index); }
virtual Double_t * Check(AliQAv1::ALITASK_t, TObjArray ** list) ;

ClassDef(AliT0QAChecker,1) // description
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