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Version to debug problem with Geant4
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amorsch authored and dberzano committed Feb 15, 2016
1 parent f155518 commit 8c4ee36
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Showing 4 changed files with 225 additions and 0 deletions.
195 changes: 195 additions & 0 deletions HMPID/HMPIDsim/AliHMPIDvG4.cxx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
// **************************************************************************
// * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
// * *
// * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
// * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
// * *
// * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
// * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
// * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
// * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
// * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
// * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
// * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
// **************************************************************************

#include "AliHMPIDvG4.h" // class header
#include "AliHMPIDParam.h" // StepManager()
#include "AliHMPIDHit.h" // Hits2SDigs(),StepManager()
#include "AliHMPIDDigit.h" // Digits2Raw(), Raw2SDigits()
#include "AliHMPIDRawStream.h" // Digits2Raw(), Raw2SDigits()
#include "AliRawReader.h" // Raw2SDigits()
#include "AliTrackReference.h" //
#include <TVirtualMC.h> // StepManager() for TVirtualMC::GetMC()
#include <TPDGCode.h> // StepHistory()
#include <AliStack.h> // StepManager(),Hits2SDigits()78.6
#include <AliLoader.h> // Hits2SDigits()
#include <AliRunLoader.h> // Hits2SDigits()
#include <AliMC.h> // StepManager()
#include <AliRun.h> // CreateMaterials()
#include <AliMagF.h> // CreateMaterials()
#include "AliGeomManager.h" // AddAlignableVolumes()
#include <AliCDBEntry.h> // CreateMaterials()
#include <AliCDBManager.h> // CreateMaterials()
#include <TF1.h> // DefineOpticalProperties()
#include <TF2.h> // DefineOpticalProperties()
#include <TGeoCompositeShape.h> // CradleBaseVolume()
#include <TGeoGlobalMagField.h> //
#include <TGeoPhysicalNode.h> // AddAlignableVolumes()
#include <TGeoXtru.h> // CradleBaseVolume()
#include <TLorentzVector.h> // IsLostByFresnel()
#include <TString.h> // StepManager()
#include <TTree.h> //

void AliHMPIDvG4::GenFee(Float_t qtot)
// Generate FeedBack photons for the current particle. To be invoked from StepManager().
// eloss=0 means photon so only pulse height distribution is to be analysed.
TLorentzVector x4;
Int_t iNphotons=TVirtualMC::GetMC()->GetRandom()->Poisson(0.02*qtot); //# of feedback photons is proportional to the charge of hit
AliDebug(1,Form("N photons=%i",iNphotons));
if (iNphotons > fMaxFeed) return;
Int_t j;
Float_t cthf, phif, enfp = 0, sthf, e1[3], e2[3], e3[3], vmod, uswop,dir[3], phi,pol[3], mom[4];
//Generate photons
for(Int_t i=0;i<iNphotons;i++){//feedbacks loop
Double_t ranf[2];
TVirtualMC::GetMC()->GetRandom()->RndmArray(2,ranf); //Sample direction
if(cthf<0) continue;
sthf = TMath::Sqrt((1. - cthf) * (1. + cthf));
phif = ranf[1] * 2 * TMath::Pi();

if(Double_t randomNumber=TVirtualMC::GetMC()->GetRandom()->Rndm()<=0.57)
enfp = 7.5e-9;
else if(randomNumber<=0.7)
enfp = 6.4e-9;
enfp = 7.9e-9;

dir[0] = sthf * TMath::Sin(phif); dir[1] = cthf; dir[2] = sthf * TMath::Cos(phif);
TVirtualMC::GetMC()->Gdtom(dir, mom, 2);
mom[0]*=enfp; mom[1]*=enfp; mom[2]*=enfp;
mom[3] = TMath::Sqrt(mom[0]*mom[0]+mom[1]*mom[1]+mom[2]*mom[2]);

// Polarisation
e1[0]= 0; e1[1]=-dir[2]; e1[2]= dir[1];
e2[0]=-dir[1]; e2[1]= dir[0]; e2[2]= 0;
e3[0]= dir[1]; e3[1]= 0; e3[2]=-dir[0];

for(j=0;j<3;j++) vmod+=e1[j]*e1[j];
if (!vmod) for(j=0;j<3;j++) {
for(j=0;j<3;j++) vmod+=e2[j]*e2[j];
if (!vmod) for(j=0;j<3;j++) {

vmod=0; for(j=0;j<3;j++) vmod+=e1[j]*e1[j]; vmod=TMath::Sqrt(1/vmod); for(j=0;j<3;j++) e1[j]*=vmod;
vmod=0; for(j=0;j<3;j++) vmod+=e2[j]*e2[j]; vmod=TMath::Sqrt(1/vmod); for(j=0;j<3;j++) e2[j]*=vmod;

phi = TVirtualMC::GetMC()->GetRandom()->Rndm()* 2 * TMath::Pi();
for(j=0;j<3;j++) pol[j]=e1[j]*TMath::Sin(phi)+e2[j]*TMath::Cos(phi);
TVirtualMC::GetMC()->Gdtom(pol, pol, 2);
Int_t outputNtracksStored;
gAlice->GetMCApp()->PushTrack(1, //transport
gAlice->GetMCApp()->GetCurrentTrackNumber(),//parent track
50000051, //PID
mom[0],mom[1],mom[2],mom[3], //track momentum
x4.X(),x4.Y(),x4.Z(),x4.T(), //track origin
pol[0],pol[1],pol[2], //polarization
kPFeedBackPhoton, //process ID
outputNtracksStored, //on return how many new photons stored on stack
1.0); //weight
}//feedbacks loop


void AliHMPIDvG4::StepManager()
// Full Step Manager.
// Arguments: none
// Returns: none
// StepHistory(); return; //uncomment to print tracks history
// StepCount(); return; //uncomment to count photons

TString volname = TVirtualMC::GetMC()->CurrentVolName();

//Treat photons
if((TVirtualMC::GetMC()->TrackPid()==50000050||TVirtualMC::GetMC()->TrackPid()==50000051)&&volname.Contains("Hpad")){ //photon (Ckov or feedback) hits on module PC (Hpad)
if(TVirtualMC::GetMC()->Edep()>0){ //photon survided QE test i.e. produces electron
if(IsLostByFresnel()){ TVirtualMC::GetMC()->StopTrack(); return;} //photon lost due to fersnel reflection on PC
Int_t tid= TVirtualMC::GetMC()->GetStack()->GetCurrentTrackNumber(); //take TID
Int_t pid= TVirtualMC::GetMC()->TrackPid(); //take PID
Float_t etot= TVirtualMC::GetMC()->Etot(); //total hpoton energy, [GeV]
Double_t x[3]; TVirtualMC::GetMC()->TrackPosition(x[0],x[1],x[2]); //take MARS position at entrance to PC
Float_t hitTime= (Float_t)TVirtualMC::GetMC()->TrackTime(); //hit formation time
TString tmpname = volname; tmpname.Remove(0,4); Int_t idch = tmpname.Atoi(); //retrieve the chamber number
Float_t xl,yl; AliHMPIDParam::Instance()->Mars2Lors(idch,x,xl,yl); //take LORS position
new((*fHits)[fNhits++])AliHMPIDHit(idch,etot,pid,tid,xl,yl,hitTime,x); //HIT for photon, position at P, etot will be set to Q
if(fDoFeed) {
Int_t nfeed = etot * 0.02;
if (nfeed > fMaxFeed) {
printf("Nfeed: %5d eloss: %13.3f pid: %5d tid: %5d \n", nfeed, etot, pid, tid);
GenFee(etot); //generate feedback photons etot is modified in hit ctor to Q of hit
}//photon hit PC and DE >0
}//photon hit PC

//Treat charged particles
static Float_t eloss; //need to store mip parameters between different steps
static Double_t in[3];

if(TVirtualMC::GetMC()->IsTrackEntering() && TVirtualMC::GetMC()->TrackCharge() && volname.Contains("Hpad")) //Trackref stored when entering in the pad volume
AddTrackReference(TVirtualMC::GetMC()->GetStack()->GetCurrentTrackNumber(), AliTrackReference::kHMPID); //for acceptance calculations

if(TVirtualMC::GetMC()->TrackCharge() && volname.Contains("Hcel")){ //charged particle in amplification gap (Hcel)
if(TVirtualMC::GetMC()->IsTrackEntering()||TVirtualMC::GetMC()->IsNewTrack()) { //entering or newly created
eloss=0; //reset Eloss collector
TVirtualMC::GetMC()->TrackPosition(in[0],in[1],in[2]); //take position at the entrance
}else if(TVirtualMC::GetMC()->IsTrackExiting()||TVirtualMC::GetMC()->IsTrackStop()||TVirtualMC::GetMC()->IsTrackDisappeared()){ //exiting or disappeared
eloss +=TVirtualMC::GetMC()->Edep(); //take into account last step Eloss
Int_t tid= TVirtualMC::GetMC()->GetStack()->GetCurrentTrackNumber(); //take TID
Int_t pid= TVirtualMC::GetMC()->TrackPid(); //take PID
Double_t out[3]; TVirtualMC::GetMC()->TrackPosition(out[0],out[1],out[2]); //take MARS position at exit
Float_t hitTime= (Float_t)TVirtualMC::GetMC()->TrackTime(); //hit formation time
out[0]=0.5*(out[0]+in[0]); //
out[1]=0.5*(out[1]+in[1]); //take hit position at the anod plane
TString tmpname = volname; tmpname.Remove(0,4); Int_t idch = tmpname.Atoi(); //retrieve the chamber number
Float_t xl,yl;AliHMPIDParam::Instance()->Mars2Lors(idch,out,xl,yl); //take LORS position
if(eloss>0) {
new((*fHits)[fNhits++])AliHMPIDHit(idch,eloss,pid,tid,xl,yl,hitTime,out); //HIT for MIP, position near anod plane, eloss will be set to Q
Int_t nfeed = 0.02 * eloss;
if (nfeed > fMaxFeed) {
printf("Nfeed: %5d eloss: %13.3f pid: %5d tid: %5d \n", nfeed, eloss, pid, tid);
GenFee(eloss); //generate feedback photons
}else //just going inside
eloss += TVirtualMC::GetMC()->Edep(); //collect this step eloss
}//MIP in GAP

28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions HMPID/HMPIDsim/AliHMPIDvG4.h
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#ifndef AliHMPIDvG4_h
#define AliHMPIDvG4_h

/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
* See cxx source for full Copyright notice */

//HMPID class for new geometry based on TGeo to test G4 production

#include "AliHMPIDv3.h" //base class

class AliHMPIDvG4 : public AliHMPIDv3 //TObject-TNamed-AliModule-AliDetector-AliHMPID-AliHMPIDv3
AliHMPIDvG4() :AliHMPIDv3( ),fMaxFeed(10) {;} // default ctor
AliHMPIDvG4(const char *name, const char *title):AliHMPIDv3(name,title),fMaxFeed(10) {;} // named ctor
virtual ~AliHMPIDvG4() {;} // dtor
void StepManager ( ); // from AliModule invoked from AliMC::Stepping()
void GenFee (Float_t qtot ); // generates feedback photons
void SetMaxFeed(Int_t max) {fMaxFeed = max;}
Int_t fMaxFeed;
ClassDef(AliHMPIDvG4,1) //HMPID full version for simulation

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions HMPID/HMPIDsim/CMakeLists.txt
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Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ set(SRCS

# Headers from sources
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions HMPID/HMPIDsim/HMPIDsimLinkDef.h
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#pragma link C++ class AliHMPIDv1+;
#pragma link C++ class AliHMPIDv2+;
#pragma link C++ class AliHMPIDv3+;
#pragma link C++ class AliHMPIDvG4+;
#pragma link C++ class AliHMPIDDigitizer+;
#pragma link C++ class AliHMPIDQADataMakerSim+;

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