ALIROOT-5708 AliRawReaderDate gets into a loop
ALIROOT-5728 Lambda(1520) is not decaying anymore when injected
ALIROOT-5739 Porting request: always store TPCseed in friends regardless debug stream level; Update TPCRecoParam version
ALIROOT-5742 Porting changes needed to ConfigCalibTrain to use snapshot in makeOCDB phase
ALIROOT-5743 Porting change in AliTOFPreprocessor for clearer message in case of error
ALIROOT-5745 Porting request for AliZDCDigitizer
ALIROOT-5746 porting request STARTLIGHT -> v5-Rev-06
ALIROOT-5748 TRD Online gain tables
ALIROOT-5757 Porting: MC specific charge vs drift time correction in AliITSresponseSDD
ALIROOT-5759 port to release AliT0QADataMakerRec for monitoring new electronics
ALIROOT-5762 Port fix: upscale the errors on tracklets in bad TRD chambers