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tagged this 12 Nov 19:49
213a8d3 Code for spectators from data driven fragmentation
0232ca8 Merge branch 'memdev'
1c3130e Making memdev work on OS X
ab1bb4d May override 64MB stack by env.var ALIROOT_STACK_SIZE in MB (min 8MB)
ed3a074 use Friends index for looping in case of the sparse friends
6782be2 fix for wrong conflict resolution during rebase
27e5e24 conflict resolution after merging to master
706efb6 conflict with master resolved
4c7b2c8 Option to seed in TPC primaries only, according to DCAY,Z cuts
a88d89f Extend roads consistently for all FindNearest... calls
b82c1fc BWD compatible ESDfriend version The track container for esdTracks restored to TClonesArray but with support of sparsification of stored friend tracks.
b00eccb Option for sparsifying friend tracks. Friends reading is NOT bwd compatible
78c8677 Don't prepare alignment data for friend tracks which will not be stored
57cbfc5 Don't transfer to ESDfriends friendTracks which should not be stored
1cac067 Flag for ESD tracks whose friend will not be stored
eff82e1 Protection against double delete for shared clusters in the seed
737ab28 Make HLTITSLayer consistent with updated AliITStrackerMI::AliITSLayer
4c1df37 For TClonessArray Clear is enough, no Delete
3641193 use char instead of int
66e6188 Double->Float, use UniqueID instead of extra data member
be55413 heap allocation -> stack
36a5c35 Reduction of static arrays it AliITStrackerMI Max clusters seen in the data per layer is 7k, no need to allocate 70k space -> changed max capacity to 32k, changed all Int_t containers to UShort_t
0871209 tailor tmp clusters array according to real occ.
3d08f5f heap allocations -> stack, optimize FindKinks
093edc5 Check for valid row index in GetClusterIndex
e585c7d heap allocations -> stack
681cbd7 Check for valid row index in GetClusterIndex
73fd7ae heap allocations -> stack
acb0e54 heap allocations -> stack, assignment in loops -> memcpy
02c2867 use memcpy instead of assignment in loop for large arrays
c59a1e5 use stack allocation instead of heap when possible
1d0fc13 Increase aliroot stack to min(64MB,hardlimit)
90073a4 don't modify clusters buffer while storing the friends
8925bf7 Store friendTracks in esdFriend using TObjArray rathern than TClonesArray
ae5ee0b Reset ESDfriends before ESD, to remove trackers objects
4e65516 when cleaning seeds from friendtracks, check both ESD and ESDfriend
8ca7f20 do not clone full seed for local processing
854f6b2 Friends store directly TPC seeds instead of clones
ce2a531 setter/getter for clusters ownership
bcb882b when deleting friends first remove objects owned by trackers
0a2ede6 Allow to Tracks to own and remove its objects in esd/friends
03bf693 allow removal of calib objects
0e976e2 Use faster PropagateTrackParamOnly method when errors are not needed
9880627 reuse fSeeds array
98ba9a2 changed many instances of heap to stack allocation to reduce memory trashing
3a5b93c added alias for RM and deltaRM
63d6f48 Methods for finite step propagation of params only, w/o material corr.
b3fa04f use stack allocation, suppress default debug streamer
2352d66 Don't store cluster pointers in the seeds during the tracking
c4dd3f0 Rmoved unused cluster info pointer from AliTPCclusterMI
8e4a2ca read rules for bwd compatibility of AliTPCtrack,AliTPCseed
3e958da Fixed->dynamical array of cluster pointers
89410e1 added wrapper class for array of compact AliTPCTrackerPoints
e2cadda impose kMaxRow for nrows: in loops and containers
8aaa3dc tpc seed memory reduction
5d745f6 Enabled plot of DeltaPhi vs DeltaBX for trigger hits to appear in the DQM summary image in the logbook.
75329bd Modified histogram ranges Set DQM thresholds for multiplicity in kHighMult events for PbPb 2015
fc3a8ba Added new members and methods to AliGenEposReader and AliGenExtFile classes
dde754b ATO-108 - adding ITS mulitilicity estimators for crosscheck of TPC estimators
10310ae Use inteder constant to initialize inteder arrays
91a464a protection against aprticle going to inf. Z at low R (Johannes)
91a464a protection against aprticle going to inf. Z at low R (Johannes)
2a313e0 ATO-108, ATO-291 - Bug fix. 1.) In previous productions, NCl counters per sectors overwrittent by Ncl from last sector. 2.) timeStamp with branch corrected
e04a677 fix warning about an extra /* within a comment block
097a32c RMS timing TRU, STU Absolute info instead of ratios
5aa9d2c Set histogram ranges and drawing options for 2015 PbPb data taking.
8b70d03 Added plots for expert DQM: - average number of fired macropad per event (can be used for UPC trigger monitoring) - average number of hits (with ToT>0) per crate Enabled image flag for the DeltaPhi-DeltaBCID plot for trigger hits for UPC in PbPb
862322b Updated example macro to run on Grid a standalone TOF QA analysis: - modified for aliphysics paths - PIDresponse and PIDqa task added to the train - update to use TOFqaID task
09b2fd7 Update for upcoming Pb-Pb run (Raphaelle)
6a52651 Removing -fvisibility-inlines-hidden for now
78566dd Bugfix for the previous commit in AliTPCdataQA
5e2fbbc Unused AliZDCRecoParam object initialization commented out
f372925 AliEn plugin: fix for missing "free" command on OS X
e8438ad Incremented ClassDef, corrected intialization of fPHOSScale
613a33c Correct function for proton correction added
7ff942f Adding a fix also for pedestal subtraction from digits
ef7b359 Merge branch 'master' of
c6a2ea3 Modifications to propagate T0 bits to AODs
5113265 Removing unwanted offset in pedestal mean:sjena
28d2c5c ATO-300 - AliESDtrack::GetTPCClusterInfo - adding type 3 and 4 to define findable cluster only in case cluster before AND after exist, similar as used in TPC dEdx calculation. Default type value is kept OR as before.
2547150 Reduce CPU time of GetSum
c6bf113 Fix for misplaced braket
60ebe00 Update of the preprocessor in order to handle STU configuration for DCAL
f3a2968 include option to recover and use time calibrations from new OCDB time shifts container
d81ba4c access the time calibration from OCDB if requested
821b6c8 addapt comments to doxygen format
a232222 stop compressing TPC data block in case of corrupted data
3e7f318 ATO-193, ATO-108 - implementation of the regularization used from.
28daa32 Add EMCal trigger QA class
bcd9844 New features: DCal/EMCal flag and Initialize methods
33ffed4 branch of code for ddl2 IR
79d6b0f Fixing printout, and adding a new one
bc0d438 ATO-193, ATO-108 - Move the smoothing code from macro to official class.  Test of new function in STAT/test/AliNDLocalRegressionTest.C:UnitTestContrain
f64e34b Turn on -fvisibility-inlines-hidden option
e52d778 fix mismatch in TDCs naming (Chiara)
0d554d7 Class version was not increased
539f2aa ALIROOT-6405 SIGSEGV when reading geometry from file (Christian)
05f2da1 Avoiding intermediate array of sector clusters.
be6b71f Code audit, no functional change
5c32f26 Delaying the allocation of big arrays until the time they are needed.
c880643 Using only one instance of the HWCF emulator for data of all readout partitions
1b25074 Delaying allocation of big arrays
3418963 Implementing option to copy clusters directly to the offline structure.
ba14ad4 bug fix in end-of-space error treatmen in cluster compressiont
f91c3a7 Set the L1Phase use as false; doxygen format
0485a73 install the ZMQDIMlumiregServer
969c597 rename macro to fix typo; fix raw OCDB access
b3d1cd3 Add new parameter in AliEMCALRecParam to de/activate the L1Phase shift, on by default for Run1, to be off for first Run2 periods; apply the 100ns shift for BC4=0,1 only in Run1 runs
92e575b undo the change in order of data members to avoid warning prints when accessing OCDB files
fc6d8fd Fix run range for LHC11a period
f4c4100 set as default shift 600 ns for all channels
502ece8 add macro to create OCDB from OADB for time calibration
b7143e9 include comparison for time calibration parameters
6b1d6c8 add comment on no need to use the time decalibration arrays in this class; remove double declaration of number of columns and rows in different loops; addapt to doxygen
e8c3fc1 New specific container for time calibration, extracted/cloned from AliEMCALCalibData and related macros
Assets 2