- software development
- API Design
- system architecture
- computer networking
- Arts
📫 - Reach out to me via Twitter @seyiadel and Gmail [email protected]
📫 - Reach out to me via Twitter @seyiadel and Gmail [email protected]
An Event Management Ticket API - Organize Events, Create Tickets, Sell Tickets, Get in contact with attendes, Withdraw Ticket Earnings from the comfort of your home through click.
An e-commerce API, Add Products to Cart and Make Payments(Checkout)
A job listing application "JobHauz" to create and apply for jobs via company's mail address or website. Built with PHP, Laravel and TailwindCSS
This API allows books and materials in pdf format to be stored and accessed by authenticated users. Written with Python, Django, Django Rest Framework.
A Plan Subscription API, making payments to plan set by organization. Using Paystack as Payment gateway. Django-Rest-Knox as User Token Authorization and Authentication.