- Setup Ubuntu ODBC Drivers\FreeTDS
- Python 3.6
- Python Virtual Enviroment: https://realpython.com/python-virtual-environments-a-primer/
- To install pip and Virtual Enviroment on Ubuntu 20.04 apt install python3-pip python3-venv
- Go in to cloned directory
- Create Python3 Virtual Enviroment
- python3 -m venv env
- Active the Virtaul Enviroment
- source env/bin/activat
- You should see (env) infront of your prompt
- Install Setup tools and pip
- pip3 install -U setuptools pip wheel
- Install the required Python 3 Library's use the list below or use the requirements file
- pip install FastAPI
- pip install uvicorn
- pip install pydantic
- pip install pyodbc
- #(Mysql) pip install mysql-connector-python
- Move or copy config.py.sample to config.py
- Run uvicorn web server
- uvicorn api:app --reload --host= --port=9000
- Make sure there are no uvicorn console errors
- Run some RestAPI Querys to the server
- Visit the swagger API doc page
- Swagger: http://<server_ip>:9000/docs
- ReDoc: http://<server_ip>:9000/redoc
- OpenAPI: http://<server_ip>:9000/openapi.json
- Learn more about FastAPI: https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/