Turn your Android phone into real Amateur Radio HF/VHF/UHF APRS enabled Codec2/OPUS DV (digital voice) and/or FreeDV handheld transceiver.
Requires additional hardware (e.g. AFSK/LoRa), software (e.g. Direwolf) radio modem or analog transceiver with USB audio + VOX/USB CAT PTT control, such as MCHF or ICOM
For more information about FreeDV and Codec2 visit https://github.com/drowe67/codec2
For more information about OPUS codec visit https://opus-codec.org/
For detailed information about project Wiki
What you can do with this app:
- Voice communication:
- Send and receive Codec2 voice over FreeDV modes
- Send and receive Codec2/OPUS voice over KISS
- Send and receive Codec2/OPUS voice encapsulated into APRS UI frames
- Data communication
- Use APRS over FSK 300 (HF, TX only), AFSK1200 (VHF), FreeDV OFDM (HF) or APRS-IS (Internet)
- Send and receive APRS position reports
- Send and receive APRS messages
- APRS log with raw APRS data
- APRS station hub with stations grouped by callsign and their log
- APRS map with ability to see station info, station track with information about each geo position
- Use application as APRS digirepeater
- Use application as APRS-IS RX/TX iGate to forward packets to/from APRS-IS (Internet)
- Use application as APRS-IS internet tracker to send/receive APRS data over Internet
- Send and receive text packets in lora-aprs format over KISS
- Integrate with hardware/software
- Use it with your KISS Bluetooth/BLE/USB/TCPIP hardware modem, such as LoRa/FSK/AFSK/etc, control its parameters by using "set hardware" KISS command
- Use it with KISS software modem using TCPIP, such as Direwolf
- Use it with your HF/VHF/UHF transceiver as a sound modem
- Use your phone as a software sound modem by using external USB OTG audio adapter (voice + data) or built-in phone speaker and mic (only data)
- Use your phone for FreeDV protocol voice communication together with HF transceiver, which supports USB OTG audio
- Control your external transceiver PTT by using USB serial CAT (or VOX if CAT PTT is not supported)
- Android 7.0 (API 24) or higher
- Application could also be used with your Android network radio, such as Inrico TM-7, apk just needs to be installed over USB, see Discussion
- Modem, radio module or transceiver which supports KISS protocol or can process KISS or raw Codec2 audio frames over serial Bluetooth, BLE, USB or TCP/IP
- Analog transceiver with built-in or external USB audio adapter and VOX or USB CAT PTT control (such as MCHF or iCom IC-7x00 series)
- Source code is integrated into this project for easier building and customization:
- Codec2 codec: https://github.com/drowe67/codec2
- Android Codec2 wrapper code: https://github.com/UstadMobile/Codec2-Android
- OPUS codec: https://opus-codec.org
- Fetched with gradle as dependency:
- Android USB serial: https://github.com/mik3y/usb-serial-for-android
- Building from command line:
ANDROID_HOME=<android dir> JAVA_HOME=<java home dir> ./gradlew <command>
For example:# ANDROID_HOME=~/Android/Sdk JAVA_HOME=~/.jdks/jbr-21.0.4 ./gradlew assembleRelease Welcome to Gradle 7.0.2! ... compilation output ... > Task :codec2talkie:lintVitalRelease No issues found. BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 2m 2s 111 actionable tasks: 40 executed, 71 up-to-date
- Hardware
- ESP32 LoRa APRS modem (used with this application for testing): https://github.com/sh123/esp32_loraprs
- ESP32 LoRa DV transceiver: https://github.com/sh123/esp32_loradv
- Arduno Micro KISS modem and APRS AX.25 digirepeater: https://github.com/sh123/micro_loraprs
- ESP32 Arduino Codec2 library (ESP32 i2s walkie talkie example interoperable with this application): https://github.com/sh123/esp32_codec2_arduino
- Minimal Arduino LoRa KISS modem: https://github.com/sh123/lora_arduino_kiss_modem
- Minimal Arduino NRF24 KISS modem: https://github.com/sh123/nrf24l01_arduino_kiss_modem
- Software:
- FreeDV TNC: https://github.com/xssfox/freedv-tnc
- FreeDV data modem UI: https://github.com/DJ2LS/FreeDATA
- FreeDV official UI: https://github.com/drowe67/freedv-gui
- Version adopted for M17 protocol usage: https://github.com/mobilinkd/m17-kiss-ht
- Codec2 iOS wrapper: https://github.com/Beartooth/codec2-ios
- Other interesting projects:
- LoRa mesh text GPS communicator: https://github.com/meshtastic/Meshtastic-device
- ESP32 LoRa Bluetooth headless APRS modem (no screen and external controls): https://github.com/sh123/esp32_loraprs
- ESP32 LoRa DV handheld transceiver (with screen and controls): https://github.com/sh123/esp32_loradv
- Arduno Micro USB KISS modem (no screen and external controls): https://github.com/sh123/micro_loraprs