Swift Feet: Sugarized by Daniel Drake
This content was extracted from the Swift Feet flash activity included in the original The Belinda Stronach Foundation (TBSF, OLPC Canada) AdobeAir-based activity.
The videos were already present on-disk in flv format, I converted them to Theora with: # ffmpeg2theora -x 688 -y 448 --videoquality 8 --noaudio --optimize
The thumbnails were extracted from the flash files by Adam Gordon using software on a Mac. A handful had to be extracted as screenshots.
The music and audio instructions were extracted from the original flash file using swfextract and re-encoded as ogg with: # mplayer -ao pcm "$i" -ao pcm:file="$name.wav" # oggenc --downmix $name.wav
The music files had to have some silence removed from the start and end so that they loop well.
The textual content was copy/pasted from the contents.txt file shipped with the flash version.
At the time of writing, XO-1.75 cannot play the music and audio instructions at the same time (it is limited to playing one sound at a time). So, on XO-1.75, the audio instructions play first, then the music starts after.
Icons from: http://thenounproject.com/noun/dancer/ http://thenounproject.com/noun/fitness/ http://thenounproject.com/noun/shoe/#icon-No2571 from Simon Child.