This is a simple react-native app which is show the all books list and house list of Game of Thrones. Anyone can check house details with basic information about the House and also the sworn members of that House. It also show the characters list with name and designaton of each chracter. In character details you can see the name, titles, gender and other information. We hope it will help you to get the information about Game of Thrones houses, books and also characters.
- apisauce
- react
- react-native
- react-native-elements
- react-native-loading-spinner-overlay
- react-native-vector-icons
- react-navigation
- react-redux
- redux
- redux-thunk
- jest
- Shad Mazumdar: @shadmazumder
- Asaduzzaman Shuvro: @asaduzzaman-shuvro
- Abu Saleh Musa: @puzzlemusa
- Arnab Kumar Shil: @ruddra
- Shad Mazumdar: Project Initiation, Project Architecture, List View, List Component, 3rd Party Library Integration(React Native Elements),Flex, Styling, Navigation,Refactoring, Documentation
- Asaduzzaman Shuvro: Offline Data(Reading Data from Json), List Component, API Integration(3rd Party Library Integration: APISauce), Details Component, Documentation
- Abu Saleh Musa: Splash Screen, Navigation, Offline Data(Reading Data from Json), Character List, Bug fixes, List View
- Arnab Kumar Shil: Project Architecture, Redux, Character List, Details Component, Tests, Bug fixes, 3rd Party Library Integration(Spinner), Documentation
** For details on contribution, please check the issues section.
** Project was maintained at here.
** Please visit the wiki section for more information on this app.
- run this command:
npm run android-linux
for running this application on Android emulator. - run this command:
react-native run-ios
for running this application on IPhone emulator. - run this command:
yarn test
to run tests for the application.
- Application is usable in offline state(Uses data from json)
- Has few tests written
We used API from Joakim Skoog
MIT License