Touch+ Camera Application
Update: 3/17/2015 Got a disparity map working via OpenCV! Getting closer to a working virtual mouse. Needs some form of PID error correction in the hand model class, and some code to read the disparity map. Otherwise, some functions to move and click the mouse which shouldn't be too difficult.
Example screenshot:
Since Ractiv has left us high and dry, this is my personal attempt to get the device they shipped us all to do something near what it was designed for. WORK IN PROGRESS. Please feel free to tinker and suggest anything, I really have no formal knowledge in Computer Vision technologies so this is a learning experience.
This project is in C# Credit due: Ported over the ideas of how to unlock the camera from:
Some ongoing discussion where everyone should be able to register and comment is at:
My running theory is to get the fingers mapped, and try to coorelate the fingers from left to right between the two video feeds. If they are about the same length, we match them and calculate z-depth.