This is a MongoDB Express React Node.js app to search for books with the Google API. Users are offered a search and save page. The search page displays any search results individually displayed with its relevant info. Users have the option to visit the book's purchase page in the Google store or save the book to a database. Next, the saved page displays all books that have been saved with a similar visit option. Also, the users can delete the book to remove it from the saved list. Lastly, the app also supports websocket functionality by broadcasting when a book has been saved. Any clients/browsers connected to the app are able to receive this message. The app's backend is built with node and the express framework. Websocket functionality is done through Socket-io. The database choice is MongoDB with api functionality done through mongoose. The front end is built with the create-react app and bootstrap for styling. Finally, the app is hosted on heroku here.
Download or clone the repo to a working directory and extract its contents. Use a Command Line Interface to install necessary dependencies by running the following command:
npm i
Type the following in any CLI to run the app.
npm start
Each module's functions have also been demo-ed below.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
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If you have any questions about the repo, open an issue or contact me directly at [email protected]. You can find more of my work at shamik05.