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As long as there is at least one unambiguous date in the log file,
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
auto-detect the input date format (mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy).  This
isn't a perfect solution, and I am not handling the "unknown" case at
all, but it's a good start.
  • Loading branch information
nugget committed Apr 4, 2012
1 parent 1c5fabc commit 0d670b5
Showing 1 changed file with 70 additions and 9 deletions.
79 changes: 70 additions & 9 deletions packages/ergkeeper/runkeeper.tcl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -215,19 +215,71 @@ proc pg_integer {buf} {

proc detect_date_format {log} {
unset -nocomplain alist blist dlist

foreach line [split $log "\n"] {
if {[regexp {(\d\d)\/(\d\d)\/(\d\d\d\d)} $line _ aa bb cccc]} {
lappend alist [scan $aa %d]
lappend blist [scan $bb %d]
lappend dlist "$aa/$bb/$cccc"

set alist [lsort -integer -unique -decreasing $alist]
set blist [lsort -integer -unique -decreasing $blist]
set dlist [lsort -unique $dlist]

if {[lindex $alist 0] > 12 && [lindex $blist 0] <= 12} {
return "ddmmyyyy"
} elseif {[lindex $blist 0] > 12 && [lindex $alist 0] <= 12} {
return "mmddyyyy"
} else {
return "unknown"

proc iso_date {buf format} {
set retval $buf

if {[regexp {(\d\d)\/(\d\d)\/(\d\d\d\d)} $buf _ aa bb cccc]} {
switch $format {
"mmddyyyy" {
set retval "$cccc-$aa-$bb"

"ddmmyyyy" {
set retval "$cccc-$bb-$aa"
if {[opt_bool debug]} {
puts "<p>iso_date $buf $format = $retval"
return $retval

proc runkeeper_import_new_activities {user_id log} {
set ::config(debug) 0

unset -nocomplain activities username
set version "unknown"

set workouts_in_file 0
set workouts_loaded 0

set date_format [detect_date_format $log]

foreach line [split $log "\n"] {
set type [c2log_line_type $line]

if {[opt_bool debug]} {
incr linec
puts "$linec - $type - $line"
switch $type {
version {
regexp {Version (.+)} $line _ version
regexp {Version ([\d\.]+)} $line _ version
newuser {
set username [lindex [split $line ","] 1]
Expand All @@ -241,7 +293,8 @@ proc runkeeper_import_new_activities {user_id log} {
# puts $line
lassign [::csv::split $line] _ name date time notes duration total_distance avg_spm heart_rate _ _ _ _ _ cal_hr

set start_time [clock format [clock scan "$date $time"] -format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"]
set isodate [iso_date $date $date_format]
set start_time [clock format [clock scan "$isodate $time"] -format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"]

set notes_regexp [lindex [split $notes "."] 0]
set notes_regexp [regsub {^0:} $notes_regexp ""]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -271,16 +324,24 @@ proc runkeeper_import_new_activities {user_id log} {
lappend value_list [pg_quote $version]

set sql "INSERT INTO activities ([join $field_list ","]) SELECT [join $value_list ","] WHERE $where RETURNING 1"
if {[opt_bool debug]} {
puts "<p><code>$sql</code></p>"

if {[info exists ::user(logfile_username)] && $::user(logfile_username) != ""} {
if {$::user(logfile_username) == $name} {
incr workouts_in_file

incr workouts_in_file
set import_this_line 0
if {![info exists ::user(logfile_username)] || $::user(logfile_username) == ""} {
set import_this_line 1
} else {
if {$::user(logfile_username) == $name} {
set import_this_line 1

pg_select $::db $sql buf {
# puts "<code>$sql</code><br/>"
incr workouts_loaded
if {$import_this_line == 1} {
pg_select $::db $sql buf {
incr workouts_loaded
Expand Down

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