First time installing/running Python? Be sure to check out the Start Here guide:
In here are code snippets, examples, and other ways to help teach some of the concepts and tricks in Python.
Slides are available to download here:
If you're new to Python you may wonder what you should learn and when you should learn it. I recommend this order seen below. Each section below has its own folder above; each bullet point has its own file within that folder.
So if you wanted to learn more about variable assignment, go to the folder section_01_(basics) and open up
- Simple Math
- Variable Assignment
- Basic Syntax and Logic
- Data Types: int, float, bool, str
- Identifying and using strings
- String slicing
- String formatting
- String methods
- str.replace()
- str.find()
- str.count()
- str.lower()
- Logical control; changing the behavior of your programs
- and keyword, or keyword
- if / else structure
- if / elif ... / else structure
- Nesting conditionals
- Containers for data types
- First In, Last Out (Stack)
- Accessing specific list items through index (slice notation)
- List methods
- list.append()
- list.insert()
- list.pop()
- list.extend()
- Finding items in list (in keyword)
- Deduplicating a list using list(set(list_to_deduplicate))
- for loop (for each item in a list: ...)
- enumerate()
- zip()
- range()
- while loop (ask each time: is this still true?)
- str.join() (create a string from a list)
- str.split() (create a list from a string)
- with open(filename) as textfile: ...
- Reading text files
- Reading CSV files
- File handling flags (r, w, b, +)
- Writing to files
- Types (used primarily for converting one type to another)
- int()
- float()
- str()
- bool()
- list()
- set()
- dict()
- Comparison and Calculation
- abs()
- len()
- max()
- min()
- round()
- sum()
- Loop (Sequence) Control
- enumerate()
- range() / xrange()
- reversed()
- sorted()
- zip()
- def keyword
- arguments
- default arguments
- *args
- **kwargs
- return keyword
- sequence unpacking (return and receive multiple values)
- namespaces
- Accessing specific dictionary items through key (looks like a slice)
- Accessing all keys as a list using .keys()
- Faking a sorted dictionary by using sorted() on the .keys()
- Accessing all values as a list using .values()
- Accessing all key, value pairs as a list using .items()
- Adding new items through .fromkeys()
- Checking for whether a key exists with .has_key
- Using .get() to safely get a key's value if it exists without getting an error if not
- Adding new items with direct assignment and .update()
- Accessing specific items in a nested list
- Accessing specific items in a nested dictionary
- Accessing specific items in a nested list within a dictionary
- Accessing specific items in a nested dictionary within a list
- If you can do those four above, you can handle receiving JSON API returns
- import keyword
- from ... import ... as ... structure
- time
- random
- math
- re (regular expressions)
- os
- sys
- json
- Installing external libraries with easy_install
- Using easy_install to install pip (an easier / better way to install external libraries)
- requests (web crawling made easy)
- BeautifulSoup (parsing HTML)
- xlrd (Read Excel .xls files)
- xlwt (Write to Excel .xls files)
- xlsxwriter (Write to Excel .xls and .xlsx files, with additional functionality beyond xlwt)
- cherrypy (Simple, lightweight framework for serving web pages)
- psycopg2 (Connect to and issue SQL commands to your postgresql database)
- try / except syntax
- Using multiple excepts
- Recognizing the different error types
- Exception, the generic exception type (use sparingly)
- Nesting exception handling
- try / except / else syntax
- List Comprehensions
- Inline Conditionals
- Generators
- Classes
- Magic Methods