A port of the suncalc library from https://github.com/mourner/suncalc
This code is based on the original Javascript suncalc by Vladimir Agafonkin ("mourner").
import 'package:flutter_suncalc/flutter_suncalc.dart';
var date = new DateTime();
// get today's sunlight times for London
var times = SunCalc.getTimes(date, 51.5, -0.1);
// format sunrise time from the Date object
var sunriseStr = times["sunrise"].toLocal();
// get position of the sun (azimuth and altitude) at today's sunrise
var sunrisePos = SunCalc.getPosition(times["sunrise"], 51.5, -0.1);
// get sunrise azimuth in degrees
var sunriseAzimuth = sunrisePos["azimuth"] * 180 / PI;