This repo is now maintained by @lgozalvez
Supports streaming data.
Requires requests
and sseclient
, which are on pip. If you don't know what that is, don't worry; just run ./
. Made for Python 2.7.
First create a Firebase here:
(warning: The free level of Firebase only allows up to 50 concurrent connections. Don't hit this limit!)
gets the value of a Firebase at some URL, put
writes or replaces data at a Firebase path.
>>> import firebase
>>> URL = 'lucid-lychee' # see note on URLs at the bottom of documentation
>>> print firebase.get(URL) # this is an empty Firebase
>>> firebase.put(URL, 'tell me everything') # can take a string
>>> print firebase.get(URL)
tell me everything
>>> firebase.put(URL, {'lucidity': 9001}) # or a dictionary
>>> print firebase.get(URL)
{u'lucidity': 9001}
>>> firebase.put(URL, {'color': 'red'}) # replaces old value
>>> print firebase.get(URL)
{u'color': u'red'}
>>> print firebase.get(URL + '/color')
pushes data to a list on a Firebase path. This is the same as patch
ing with an incrementing key, with Firebase taking care of concurrency issues.
>>> import firebase
>>> URL = 'bickering-blancmanges'
>>> print firebase.get(URL)
>>> firebase.push(URL, {'color': 'pink', 'jiggliness': 'high'})
>>> firebase.get(URL)
u'-JyAXHX9ZNBh7tPPja4w': {u'color': u'pink', u'jiggliness': u'high'}
>>> firebase.push(URL, {'color': 'white', 'jiggliness': 'extreme'})
>>> firebase.get(URL)
u'-JyAXHX9ZNBh7tPPja4w': {u'color': u'pink', u'jiggliness': u'high'},
u'-JyAXHX9ZNBh7tPPjasd': {u'color': u'white', u'jiggliness': u'extreme'}
adds new key value pairs to an existing Firebase, without deleting the old key value pairs.
>>> import firebase
>>> URL = 'tibetan-tumbleweed'
>>> print firebase.get(URL)
>>> firebase.patch(URL, {'taste': 'tibetan'})
>>> print firebase.get(URL)
{u'taste': u'tibetan'}
>>> firebase.patch(URL, {'size': 'tumbly}) # patching does not overwrite
>>> print firebase.get(URL)
{u'taste': u'tibetan', u'size': u'tumbly'}
takes a URL and callback function and calls the callback on every update of the Firebase at URL.
>>> import firebase
>>> from pprint import pprint # function which pretty prints objects
>>> URL = 'clumsy-clementine'
>>> S = firebase.subscriber(URL, pprint) # pprint will be called on all Firebase updates
>>> S.start() # will get called with initial value of URL, which is empty
(u'put', {u'data': None, u'path': u'/'})
>>> firebase.put(URL, ';-)') # will make S print something
(u'put', {u'data': u';-)', u'path': u'/'})
>>> firebase.put(URL, {'status': 'mortified'}) # continuing from above
(u'put', {u'data': {u'status': u'mortified'}, u'path': u'/'})
>>> firebase.patch(URL, {'reason': 'blushing'}) # same data, different method
(u'patch', {u'data': {u'reason': u'blushing'}, u'path': u'/'})
>>> firebase.put(URL + '/color', 'red')
(u'put', {u'data': u'red', u'path': u'/color'})
>>> S.stop()
All URLs are internally converted to the apparent Firebase URL. This is done by the firebaseURL
>>> import firebase
>>> print firebase.firebaseURL('bony-badger')
>>> print firebase.firebaseURL('bony-badger/bones/humerus')
>>> print firebase.firebaseURL('')