Upload videos in React with server-side rendering and NodeJS streaming.
This project uses fluent-ffmpeg to generate preview thumbnails, gifs, posters and media info.
To get going, you can either use with or without docker. If you use without docker, you'll need node, npm, ffmpeg and either flvtool2 or flvmeta installed. You can get away without having ffmpeg and either flvtool2 or flvmeta, as long as you don't upload any files.
- Form validation on both client and server. Server also validates file headers.
- WebSockets used during file upload to provide status updates.
- Server-side rendering.
- NodeJS streaming. Full support for browsers, and opt out for bots, etc.
- Hot reloading.
- Code Splitting.
- Smooth page transitions in
. - Material-UI.
- Docker.
- Linting for TypeScript, JavaScript, SASS, MarkDown and Yaml.
- Dark mode support
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)
via sass mixin@include prefers-dark-mode {}
docker-compose up -d --build
then exec into the container:
docker exec -it node bash
Then continue on as normal
Install modules:
npm i
Build everything:
npm run build
Serve files from the ./build/
npm run start
Now open http://localhost:3000/ in your browser.
npm run dev
npm run dev:no-watch
Config file is located in ./src/config/index.ts
npm test
npm run test:e2e
npm run test:e2e:ui
To measure any of the supported metrics,
you need to pass a function into the webVitals.callback
in ./src/config/index.ts
and set webVitals.callback
to true
- Cancel upload button
- Fix service worker issue in production.