This is a SQLAlchemy dialect for ADX (Azure Data Explorer), which wraps azure-kusto-data api to sqlalchemy interface.
Another enhancement is supporting transformation from sql to kql(Kusto query language), for example , it can transform
select *
from storm
where col = 'a'
limit 10
| where col == 'a'
| limit 10
- Helpful for data scientist, see integrate with pandas
Enjoy it!
- first prepare your python environment and install necessary packages
mkdir adx-db-api-demo
cd adx-db-api-demo
virtualenv venv -p `which python3`
source venv/bin/activate
pip install sqlalchemy
pip install azure-kusto-data==2.3.1
- then install adx-db-api:
cd adx-db-api
python setup.py install
- if you want to clean the asset of install:
cd adx-db-api
python setup.py clean
- first you may read this page to create client_id, client_secret and authority_id for your adx and get knowledge of your cluster url, then you can get data using sqlachemy interface.
- create engine:
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
cluster = "<insert here your cluster name>"
client_id = "<insert here your AAD application id>"
client_secret = "<insert here your AAD application key>"
authority_id = "<insert here your AAD tenant id>"
engine = create_engine('adx://client_id:client_secret@cluster/authority_id/database')
- support kql(Kusto query language)
result = engine.execute("table | limit 3")
for row in result:
- also support sql
result = engine.execute("select * from table limit 3")
for row in result:
from adx_db import get_kql
print(get_kql('select a, count(b) as cnt from t group by a'))
# t | summarize cnt=count(b) by a
you may view SQL to Kusto cheat sheet or the test cases.
import pandas as pd
sql = """table | limit 3"""
# sql = """select * from table limit 3""" # both kql or sql are ok
df = pd.read_sql(sql, con=engine)
cd adx-db-api
virtualenv venv -p `which python3`
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
then execute the test cases.