The original author is Wenjun Wang (Chief Architect of MIUI, Xiaomi Technology).
1. The directory UCC contains the source code of the lightweight open-source C compiler (C89 standard).
iron@CSE:github$ pwd
iron@CSE:github$ sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib g++-multilib
iron@CSE:github$ git clone
iron@CSE:github$ cd ucc162.3/ucc
iron@CSE:ucc$ . ./
iron@CSE:ucc$ make
iron@CSE:ucc$ make install
mkdir -p /home/iron/github/ucc162.3/ucc/bin
cp driver/ucc /home/iron/github/ucc162.3/ucc/bin
cp ucl/ucl /home/iron/github/ucc162.3/ucc/bin
cp ucl/assert.o /home/iron/github/ucc162.3/ucc/bin
cp -r ucl/linux/include /home/iron/github/ucc162.3/ucc/bin
iron@CSE:ucc$ make test
make -C ucl test
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/iron/github/ucc162.3/ucc/ucl'
../driver/ucc -o ucl1 alloc.c ast.c decl.c declchk.c dumpast.c emit.c error.c expr.c exprchk.c flow.c fold.c gen.c input.c lex.c output.c reg.c simp.c stmt.c stmtchk.c str.c symbol.c tranexpr.c transtmt.c type.c ucl.c uildasm.c vector.c x86.c x86linux.c
mv /home/iron/github/ucc162.3/ucc/bin/ucl /home/iron/github/ucc162.3/ucc/bin/ucl.bak
cp ucl1 /home/iron/github/ucc162.3/ucc/bin/ucl
../driver/ucc -o ucl2 alloc.c ast.c decl.c declchk.c dumpast.c emit.c error.c expr.c exprchk.c flow.c fold.c gen.c input.c lex.c output.c reg.c simp.c stmt.c stmtchk.c str.c symbol.c tranexpr.c transtmt.c type.c ucl.c uildasm.c vector.c x86.c x86linux.c
mv /home/iron/github/ucc162.3/ucc/bin/ucl.bak /home/iron/github/ucc162.3/ucc/bin/ucl
strip ucl1 ucl2
cmp -l ucl1 ucl2
rm ucl1 ucl2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/iron/github/ucc162.3/ucc/ucl'
iron@CSE:ucc$ cd demo
iron@CSE:demo$ make ucc89
ucc -o hello hello.c && ./hello
iron@CSE:demo$ objdump -d ./hello
2. If you are interested in how to interpret a simplified C language, please refer to the directory MYC, which includes an interpreter.
iron@CSE:github$ pwd
iron@CSE:github$ cd ucc162.3/myc/src
iron@CSE:src$ make
iron@CSE:src$ ./myc test.c
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181
iron@CSE:src$ cat test.s
0: SetBx 1 0 0
1: Jmp 0 0 32
2: Init 4 1 0
3: Jeq 3 4 8
4: Jmp 0 0 5
5: Init 4 2 0
3. The directory ucc/examples/sc contains the code for Chapter 1 in the book (The Dissection of C Compiler.pdf).
iron@CSE:sc$ cd ~/github/
iron@CSE:github$ pwd
iron@CSE:github$ cd ucc162.3/ucc
iron@CSE:ucc$ . ./
iron@CSE:ucc$ which ucc
iron@CSE:ucc$ cd examples/sc
iron@CSE:sc$ make
ucc -o sc lex.c expr.c error.c decl.c stmt.c main.c
cat demo.c
int (*f(int,int,int))[4];
int (*(*fp2)(int,int,int))(int);
a = f;
b = k;
d = d - 1;
c = c - 1;
./sc < demo.c
f is: function(int,int,int) which returns pointer to array[4] of int
fp2 is: pointer to function(int,int,int) which returns pointer to function(int) which returns int
if(!c) goto Label_0
a = f
goto Label_1
b = k
if(!c) goto Label_6
if(!d) goto Label_5
if(!e) goto Label_4
t0 = d - 1
d = t0
goto Label_3
t1 = c - 1
c = t1
goto Label_2
iron@Katana:sc2$ make
gcc -o sc lex.c expr.c error.c decl.c stmt.c main.c emit.c func.c
./sc < demo.c > demo.s
gcc -m32 demo.s -o demo
iron@Katana:sc2$ make run
iron@Katana:sc2$ cat demo.c