This project enables the readers of our paper to reproduce our machine learning (ML) results. Below is a summary of the content of the project, as well as the procedure to run the script.
The folder contains the following files:
- the main python script to run the ML models on the row training and test data
- X_scalar_id.csv: The full descriptor sets before dimensionality reduction, along with the MaterialsProject ID for each material
- C_v/: The data files and folders for the specific heat capacity ML calculations
- Figs/: Where the figures will be kept
- SavedModels/: Where the ML models are saved, and will be loaded
- SplitDataSets/: Where the 80/20 split training and test sets are saved, and will be loaded
- X.csv: The CSV file with the dimensionality-reduced descriptors prior to train/test splitting
- y_C_v.csv: The CSV file that has the values of C_v corresponding to the materials in X.csv prior to splitting
- entropy/: The data files and folders for the entropy ML calculations. It has the same folder structure as C_v
- eps_total_effective/: The data files and folders for the effective polycrystalline dielectric function ML calculations. It has the same folder structure as C_v
- Download the whole content of the folder into a directory, let's call it ML
- Unzip the three folders, and
- Start a shell and cd to the folder ML
- Type the command python on your shell
For any questions, you can reach me at [email protected] or [email protected]