Copyright 1992-2015, Jerome Shidel.
QCRT.DEF QuickCrt Turbo Pascal 7.0 default compiler directive definition file.
QCRT.PAS QuickCrt. The Ultimate Text mode CRT unit. It can function as a drop-in replacement for the buggy Borland CRT unit. But, it is so much more and many times faster. However, it is mostly assembly language wrapped in Pascal. So, it is not very portable to different compilers or platforms. It requires none of the other QuickCrt units. But, most of them are built on-top of QCRT.PAS.
QSTRINGS.PAS String Utilities. Simple and commonly used string manipulation routines.
QCLASS.PAS Contains the basic object classes that all QuickCRT objects inherit.
QOBJECTS.PAS QuickCrt Non-visual Objects. Running on the extended functionality built into QuickCrt, it brings a little RAD to Pascal. It is not a Turbo Vision clone and doesn't want to be one. It is a Pascal native object-oriented and event driven framework for building programs quickly and without to much fuss.
QMORE.PAS More QuickCrt Objects.
QFILEDLG.PAS Standard File and Directory Dialogs.
QCONTROLS.PAS QuickCrt Standard Visual Objects
QERRORS.PAS Simple Error Messages. Simple Error Message Lookup functions. I may move this into QStrings. It doesn't really deserve it's own unit.
QBIOS.PAS BIOS utilities.
QDOS.PAS Dos Utilities.
QFILES.PAS Object-Oriented file I/O.
QFMTSTR.PAS String Formatting Utilities.
QINFO.PAS QuickCrt Information Object.
QSCRNSVR.PAS Basic Screen Saver Template Object.
QSPEAKER.PAS Event Driven Speaker Tone Generator.
QTIMER.PAS Event Driven Timer Functions.
QTEST.PAS Debugging and development testing application.