High-performance, scalable and reliable IPFIX, sFlow and Netflow collector (written in pure Golang).
- IPFIX RFC7011 collector
- sFLow v5 raw header / counters collector
- Netflow v5 collector
- Netflow v9 collector
- Decoding sFlow raw header L2/L3/L4
- Produce to Apache Kafka, NSQ, NATS
- Replicate IPFIX and sFlow to 3rd party collector
- Supports IPv4 and IPv6
- Prometheus and RESTful APIs monitoring
- Architecture.
- Configuration.
- Quick Start.
- JUNOS Integration.
- Monitoring.
- Stress / Load Generator.
- Kafka consumer examples.
The IPFIX data decodes to JSON format and IDs are IANA IPFIX element ID
{"Version":5,"IPVersion":1,"AgentSubID":5,"SequenceNo":37591,"SysUpTime":3287084017,"SamplesNo":1,"Samples":[{"SequenceNo":1530345639,"SourceID":0,"SamplingRate":4096,"SamplePool":1938456576,"Drops":0,"Input":536,"Output":728,"RecordsNo":3,"Records":{"ExtRouter":{"NextHop":"","SrcMask":24,"DstMask":14},"ExtSwitch":{"SrcVlan":0,"SrcPriority":0,"DstVlan":0,"DstPriority":0},"RawHeader":{"L2":{"SrcMAC":"58:00:bb:e7:57:6f","DstMAC":"f4:a7:39:44:a8:27","Vlan":0,"EtherType":2048},"L3":{"Version":4,"TOS":0,"TotalLen":1452,"ID":13515,"Flags":0,"FragOff":0,"TTL":62,"Protocol":6,"Checksum":8564,"Src":"","Dst":""},"L4":{"SrcPort":443,"DstPort":56521,"DataOffset":5,"Reserved":0,"Flags":16}}}}],"IPAddress":"","ColTime": 1646157296}
- Linux
- Windows
Given that the Go Language compiler (version 1.14.x preferred) is installed, you can build it with:
go get github.com/EdgeCast/vflow/vflow
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/EdgeCast/vflow
make build
cd vflow; go build
You can download and install pre-built debian package as below (RPM and Linux binary are available).
dpkg -i vflow-0.9.0-x86_64.deb
Once you installed you need to configure the below files, for more information check configuration guide:
You can start the service by the below:
service vflow start
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/EdgeCast/vflow/blob/master/kubernetes/deploy.yaml
docker run -d -p 2181:2181 -p 9092:9092 spotify/kafka
docker run -d -p 4739:4739 -p 4729:4729 -p 6343:6343 -p 8081:8081 -e VFLOW_KAFKA_BROKERS="" mehrdadrad/vflow
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
Welcomes any kind of contribution, please follow the next steps:
- Fork the project on github.com.
- Create a new branch.
- Commit changes to the new branch.
- Send a pull request.