coding style
for the react component, use regular function(not arrow function)
const Home = ()=> {
return <p>its hoem</p>
export default function const Home(){
return <p>its hoem</p>
and for the real function(not related with react compoennt,) use arrow function
funtion sumNumber(a,b){
return a+b
const sumNumber = (a,b)=> {
return a+b
we are using on typescript with baseUrl,
so we dont need to drilling import module, we can access it from the baseUrl
import { Container } from "../../styles/layout";
import { Container } from "styles/layout";
- Node js (v.16 + )
- Typescript
- React
- Nextjs
- npm / yarn
run dev
- yarn dev
- cypress open
-> cypress
-> Styled component -> styled system
-> SWR
-> Recoil
-> atomic design
-> pure function
-> custom hooks
-> function component > class component
- pages/home.tsx
- component/ --components/home/Title.tsx --components/home/Message.tsx --components/home/utils.ts --components/home/atom.ts