Microservices Architecture: The project adopts a microservices architecture, which means the application is broken down into a suite of small services, each implementing a specific business function and capable of being deployed and scaled independently.
Service Discovery and Registration: With modules like cloud-eureka-server7001 and cloud-eureka-server7002, the project employs a service discovery mechanism that allows service instances to register themselves upon startup and enables other services to discover and communicate with them.
Configuration Center: cloud-config-center-3344 serves as a configuration center, providing a centralized configuration management solution for various microservices, allowing for real-time push of configuration changes to all service instances.
Circuit Breaker Pattern: The implementation of circuit breakers, such as Hystrix in cloud-provider-hystrix-payment8001, is used to prevent a single service failure from cascading and causing the entire system to become unavailable.
Service Consumption: Service consumption modules within the project, like cloud-consumer-feign-order80, may utilize declarative REST clients such as Feign to simplify the process of writing web service clients.
API Gateway: cloud-gateway-gateway9527 acts as an API gateway, handling external requests by routing, load balancing, and authentication, providing a unified entry point.
Message Queue: The integration of cloud-stream-rabbitmq-* modules suggests that the project may incorporate RabbitMQ message queues for asynchronous communication and decoupling between services.
Distributed Transactions: The seata-*-service modules indicate that the project may use the Seata framework to manage distributed transactions that span across multiple databases or services.
Service Resilience: The presence of cloudalibaba-sentinel-service8401 suggests that the project may integrate Sentinel, a flow control and service degradation component that enhances service stability and fault tolerance.
Cloud-Native Integration: The project includes modules that integrate with cloud service providers, such as cloudalibaba-config-nacos-client3377, indicating that the project may use Nacos for service discovery and configuration management solutions.
Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): The project's README.md and pom.xml files suggest that it may follow certain development and deployment processes, with pom.xml being the Maven project management and build automation configuration file.
Version Control: The project uses Git as its version control system, allowing for the tracking of code changes and evolution through commit history.