This is a simple script to send notifications to a Telegram group when a training process is finished. It is useful when you are training a model on a remote server and you want to be notified.
Example of usage:
from telegram_notifier import bot, Store
from tqdm import tqdm
st = Store()
bot.set_creds(token, chat_id)
# values to send to the telegram bot
log_values = ["loss"]
# values to save as model checkpoints
save_values = ["loss"]
modes = ["train", "valid"]
for epoch in range(epochs):
for mode in modes:
# to deal with deque set maxlen
maxlen = 2000 if mode == "train" else None
# add mode and epoch to the store
st.add_value(mode), st.add_value(epoch)
pbar = tqdm(enumerate(loader), total=len(loader))
for idx, batch in pbar:
# do something
# ...
# save the values
outputs = model(inputs)
loss = outputs[0]
loss = st.add_value(loss)
# save globals after each epoch
# send a notification when the epoch is finished
if mode == "valid":
# get valid model name based on params
name = st.get_output_string("filename", *save_values)
# save weights / cfg / ... to a file
message = st.get_output_string("message", *log_values)
# send message
# send plots