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This is the repository for Xiaoshu Wallpaper Next, currently in early testing phase with low usability, intended for developers and internal testers for self-building and trial.
If you are a regular user, please visit the Xiaoshu Wallpaper project repository.
You can visit our official website for more information.
Xiaoshu Wallpaper Next is a wallpaper software for the Windows platform.
It is a restructured version based on Xiaoshu Wallpaper.
This multifunctional wallpaper application is designed for quickly changing and downloading wallpapers from various sources, including Bing, 360, and Wallhaven, etc. ✨
It allows users to favorite and automatically change their favorite wallpapers.
If you like this project, please give it a ⭐️!
Thanks to @kylemarvin884 and @Jellyooy for participating in testing and providing feedback for this project.
🚀 Welcome to explore, contribute, and help improve this project anytime!