My configuration files.
macOS Catalina
$ cd ~; git clone
$ xcode-select --install
$ ./
$ ln -s ~/dotfiles/nvim ~/.config/nvim
# Python 3 provider for Neovim.
$ brew install python3
$ pip3 install pynvim
$ brew install neovim
$ nvim +PlugInstall +qall
# For C, C++, proto, JavaScript, and Arduino.
$ brew install clang-format
# For Python.
$ brew install yapf
# For CSS, JSON, GraphQL, Markdown, YAML.
$ brew install prettier
$ ln -s ~/dotfiles/fish ~/.config/fish
$ brew install fish
# add /usr/local/bin/fish to /etc/shells
$ chsh -s /usr/local/bin/fish
$ ln -s ~/dotfiles/tmux/tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf
$ brew install tmux
$ tmux
$ tmux source ~/.tmux.conf
$ brew install --cask font-hack-nerd-font iterm2
- Load iTerm2 settings:
=>Load preferences from a custom folder or URL
$ ./dotfiles/scripts/