Run ./setup.sh . This creates: (1) vault node that is used for auto unseal of the vault cluster (2) a vault cluster (3 vault nodes) using a consul backend (1 consul node), the vault cluster has a userpass auth and transit mount. The userpass is setup to return batch tokens
Finally it logs in as the user (so subsequent steps use batch tokens)
In 3 seperate terminal windows, run ./client1.sh , ./client2.sh , ./client3.sh . Each client hits a particular vault node in the cluster to do encryption operation using batch token
In a seperate terminal window, run "vault operator step-down" or kill the leader by vault status -address=http://localhost:8200 <-- note the active node address docker-compose restart vault_X <--- where X is 1,2,3 from the above step
Notice when that happens, the client terminal windows (./client1.sh, ./client2.sh ./client3.sh) might get this error -- it doesn't correspond to the leader node.
Error writing data to transit/encrypt/test: Error making API request.
URL: PUT Code: 500. Errors:
- local node not active but active cluster node not found Error writing data to transit/encrypt/test: Put "http://vault_1:8200/v1/transit/encrypt/test": dial tcp: lookup vault_1 on read udp> i/o timeout
Or other windows may get "stuck"