- processes
- three-axis rough cut
- three-axis finish cut
- editing
- subgraph copy paste
- nested module graphs
- ui
- collapse nodes
- refactor for skinning
- Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
- formats
- HPGL input
- SVG export
- DXF export
- ...
You need to first install node.js.
We install the NVM (Node Version Manager) and install the node using NVM. This should work in all linux distributions.
get the install script and run it
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.34.0/install.sh | bash
bash install_nvm.sh # install
Add the NVM command to the shell
source ~/.profile
Now, install the version of NODE you want. The following will install the latest LTS version.
nvm install 10
Install the http-server npm package. Including '-g' sets the installs the package globally, allowing you to use it as a command line tool:
sudo npm install http-server -g
Clone the mods repository:
git clone https://gitlab.cba.mit.edu/pub/mods.git
Use the command line to navigate to the root of the mods repository and start the server with
Open a browser tab and go to
which is the same as http://localhost:8080
to view the server that you just started.
Depending on how to need to use mods you can start local servers located in mods/js
, for example, if you start from the root of the mods repository:
cd js
and run servers
node serialserver.js ::ffff: 1234
For these servers you will need additional npm packages. You could install them locally within the mods repo. Navigate to the mods
or mods/js
and run (without the -g
for local installation)
npm install serialport ws
Problem : SRM-20 not moving to the real, machine origin when we ask it to move to x,y = 0,0
Reason : The It appears that we are working in the user coordinate system of the machine. This is stored in the machine's EEPROM.
Solution : As of now, we know we can change this from the V-Panel in Windows. So, open the V-Panel, move to machine-coordinate's origin, and then set this as the user-coordinate's origin. We will see if we can do this in Linux.
Credits : Ahmed-Khairy
set correct serial port permission (do this each time you reboot the machine): chmod a+rwx /dev/ttyUSB0
start serialserver in the terminal so you can see the logs as it tries to connect. navigate to the mods/js folder in the terminal (probably use cd ~/mods/js
) and type: node serialserver.js ::ffff: 1234
check serialserver is running with: ps aux | grep node
- Help! My SRM-20 will only run a single job and then go dead! Chances are you are using printserver.js instead of deviceserver.js to connect to the machine. For now, we need to treat the SRM-20 as a device instead of a printer.
- Argg... why do I need to reset permissions on /dev/usb/lp0 every restart? You can use
sudo add_user username lp
andsudo add_user username lpadmin
to make persistent permissions. - Why is my web socket connection refused when the addresses are the same? This can happen due to a difference between IPV4 and IPV6 addresses. In your start mods server script, try changing to ::ffff: and see if it helps.