Version 2.0
16 commits
to Houdini18.5-4.26
since this release
Houdini Engine for Unreal - Version 2.0
Official release of version 2.0.
The plug-in is now linked to Houdini 18.5.462 / HAPI 3.5.1.
Documentation for version 2.0 of the plug-in is available:
New features:
- Added back the Static Mesh Build Settings from v1 (tangent/normal generation, lightmap index etc.)
Their values can be changed in the plugin's settings dialog. - Added back the Static Mesh Generation Properties from v1.
Their default values can be set in the plugin settings, or overridden per HDA in the Houdini Mesh Generation section. - Added back the Houdini Engine commands from v1 (Houdini.BakeAll, Houdini.CookAll etc...)
- Added support for 4.25 on Mac OS.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed instantiation loop that could lock up the editor when not having access to a license, and attempting to load an HDA without the source .hda file.
- Fixed Open In Houdini / Open Session Sync not using the proper executable when using the steam version of Houdini Indie.
We now try to use hindie.steam executable if Houdini wasn't found - Fixed button parameters being triggered upon rebuild/recook.
- Fixed button parameters being triggered on first cook after loading a level.
- Fixed properties modified by attributes on instanced actors being lost upon baking.
- Fixed possible crash with foliage instancers after load/new level
- Fixed HARS/Houdini crashing when using linear and closed editable curves in an HDA.
- Fixed primitive attributes on LODs (generic attributes, screen size) not being properly set due to invalid Prim/Vertex Index.
- Fixed the lodX_screensize/unreal_uproperty_screensize attributes being ignored.
- Restricted the classes displayed in the drop-down menu when using string as asset picker without specifying a class.
Too many object types were listed, causing the drop-down to be very slow to open.
Any UObject can still be dragged and dropped on the asset picker. - Removed unnecessary Outer checks when baking landscape.
This should fix Landscape Baking failures when using PDG. - Disabled the creation of attributes for material parameters of input meshes.
This would cause crashes in HARC when a lot of string attributes were sent. - Ticking is now limited to 1 tick per frame.
This reduces game-thread starvation during cook, DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG at the end of a cook when the command list is too big. - Optimization: Reduced unnecessary/redundant string fetch via HAPI when listing Generic Attributes, fixed slow object copy on some for loops.
- Added some Insights tag for better profiling overview.