Version 2.0.3 - Houdini 18.5.633
Houdini Engine for Unreal - Version 2.0.3
Update 3 of the V2 Plugin.
The plug-in is now linked to Houdini 18.5.633 / HAPI 3.6.3.
Documentation for version 2.0 of the plug-in is available:
Binaries are currently available for UE4.26, UE4.25, UE4.24.
Note: These are manual builds of the plugin, which can sometimes cause issues with windows defender/antivirus.
Also, if the plugin fails to start the Houdini Engine session, you may have to enable a custom Houdini location in the plugin settings and point it to Houdini 18.5.633's bin directory.
Extract and Copy the "HoudiniEngine" folder to:
- the "UE4.XX\Engine\Plugins\Runtime" folder for an engine installation.
- the "UEPROJECT\Plugins" folder for a project installation (the project is recommended for the UE5 version of the plugin)
New features:
- Added a new plugin setting to select the executable (Houdini/FX/Core/Indie) to be used when opening Session Sync or debug hip files.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where the Dirtying of a node, or all outputs, on the PDG asset link could delete non-temp assets used as output objects (ie, when using "unreal_instance").
The PDG Asset Link now only cleans Houdini generated objects (temp, not baked). - Fixed Color Parameter not opening Color Picker.
- The Houdini proxy meshes now support calculating normals if the output mesh from the HDA did not provide any.
This fixes render differences with the refined Static Mesh. - Fixed the Houdini icon displayed above Houdini ProxyMeshes not always being placed properly.
- Public API: The various Set*ParameterValue functions now return false only if an error occurs or an invalid value is given.
Previously the functions also returned false if the parameter already had the new value, which was not the expected behavior. - Fixed incorrect material assignment when splitting instancers.
- The Instancer Translator now stores and uses the original instance indices.
This fixes a lot of issues where attributes would not be read/applied properly when splitting instancers. (ie, generic attributes, tags..) - Fixed an issue where BSP input would invoke a recook at the start of every unreal session. Note that you have to recook and save the map again for this fix to be applied.
- Fixed an issue where HDAs with editable curves and mesh outputs were not being recooked properly at the start of an unreal session.
- Use the help URL instead of the help string if it is enabled.
- Fixed Houdini Materials and Textures being recreated/converted multiple times if the same material was assigned to multiple parts.
This was easily the case when using packed primitives.
This greatly improves cook times on assets that generate unreal materials from Houdini materials. - Fixed HDAs not recreating/updating their output meshes when only a Part had changed.
This could be the case for example when just modifying a Houdini material parameter, but not the actual geometry. - Fixed an issue where disabling folders and rebuilding would change all the parameters in that folder to their default values.
- Fixed issue where invisible folders were incorrectly detected, resulting in other missing parameters